799 MAID EXiPERIENCED --. GOOD COOKC for general Work. References. Thrée adults. No washing or Sunday dinner. Pleasant. rooni, private. bath. Radio. $12. Near transportation. Kenilworth 1041.97L1N15-ltp AMBITIOUS WHITE GIRL UNDER 30 for general housework and part time came of 3 yr. old boy. Must be nieat and have good refems. Nice room, radio,, etc. $10 to $15. 411 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 410. 9 7LTN5-ltp GIRL FOR: COOKING, GENERAL .housework, light laundry., Experi- enced. Own roomt and bath. Perm. posi- tion. Wilmette 1838. 97LTN5-ltc YOUNG, WOMAN, WHITE, EX PERI-. eed lu gneral hout3ework. Good cook. No Iaundmy, go nights. 1618 Wal- nut Ave., Wilniette 4509. 9LN-t WHID 5TTE!V NEAT.M AID -O<RMOtH'TT- riymotn iu u an ....ôa 4z For'd 1935 Sedan........... 345 295 Stude. 1935 Sedan . .......95 295 Ford 1936 Sta. Wagon...... . 495 445 INC, 435. Green Bay Roadý. Wil. 535 OPEN EVENINOS GRE 05-15 1O5LTN5-ltc 1933 Ford V-8, Business coupe, $100. 1931. Bulck Stantuard. sedan, $85. Telephone Highland Park 3635 15LTN5-ltp 113 UPATS a OUTBOARD MOTORS WILL SACRIFICE NEW ýBILOXI Frostbite Dinghey. Prof essional hand built. Lap-Straky.mahogeany ,huli. Air- plane cloth hand tailored sali. Used 2 weeks. Idéal, sBafe, non-sinkable type boat for Lake Michigan. Must be cash sale. University 2061. 113LTN-5-lte 114 WANTED TO BUY-UOATS burunifi'freplace, abundant- cioset sp$,ce,. Ail the -luxury of a private residence without, the care.' Garage and elevator attendants, handball court and recréa- tion rooni. McGUIRE & ORR, mlc. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 128LTN5-lte ELM BUILDING 810 Eln St. and 817 Chestnut Ct., Win. ROOF GARDEN WITH FLOWERS VENETIAN BLINDS THFRO)UGHOUT. .WiII sublease to reliable tenant, July 1j, Ph room -apartment. I. Schuman. Réalty' Co.* Exclusive Agents 160 N. Lagalle.St., *Chicagz3 Call Winnetka 24 39* or Janitor Bergeson. 128LTN5.1,îp Moem 4rm . Lvroll-thw~1 kitchenette and ewer, rned., l40 FOR-mNTSORSa OwuICm NEW w MDeUNOFFICESA SINGLU OR EN SUIT'E Froni $20 up. 740. ELM S2 T. WINNETKA 92'q 14OLTN4-4tp DESIRAB]LE »)eSK SPACE FOR RENT IN NEWIJY. DECORATED -OFFICE. Park .&* Abbott, 554 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka 131. 140LTN4-3tp 147 FORU *ALE-HOlfUUEU WE NOW HIAVE OPEN FOR IlNSPECé- tIon four residerices in choice North -Shore locations as foliows: z- na.tns,.,z iav5., CO UPLE TOÎ- 3 month,,1 June. Write A- CENTRAL PARK AVENýUE: English brick bouse. Solld masonmy walls, 8 mms., 2 baths and lav. Pine paneled recreation mm. AIl rooms extra large. Interjor most attractive. Good loca-' tion. Heavily wooded lot 60x150. -1 FOR SATISFACTION-- oI AND VALUE. '37 Cadillac sed....$2,450a '36 Cad. Itnp. sed, .. 1,395 'w 128 USES RD. [EST AND :LDER LANE: English brjck house of- 9 rmns., 2 baths and lav., 'breakfast alcove and butler's pantry, large screened porch, lot 50xl5O. Excellent- ly located with reference to schools. transportation, business section, and lake. HILL & .Wilnette s *ltp 1 4 7L.TN5-ltec j