-Of thissUm, ni $6e- 920 is to be raised in taxes, and the from fees, fines, permits .and lh- censes. VillageMan- ager -C. .Os- born pointed out that while tax collections did flot Ana. Raymoend reach the -sumn estiMated last year, the -village, by a number of, economies, was able to operate on its income. Sees Delinquency Village Trustee Anan Raymond, 547 RosIyn road, chairman of the finanée committe, who submittec thie budget, predicted that the tax» delinquency for the 1937 levy, now in collection, would be considerable and indicated V that taxing bodies might be seriously ~ hampered. e The only unusual item in this year's ch budget was the sum of $4,500, the ni, village's share in the construction of OU a pier at the bathing beach to re- SI place the old breakwater. This is ca ên he eected.with the nid of the 1I The V thelh New' Ywo A In the obu J. er, 62 .rtoli, to use the structure. Following the custom 'of the past. few years, the, graduates, will be dressed in the académiec caps anid gowns., In accordance, also, with recent practice, there will be no speaker, and the ceremony is to last less thari one hour. The complete list of grad- uates wilI be announced next week. The programn foflows: Processionai (audience aeated> American. (audience saod4g). .Carey Invocation (audience ata%4&ug> Rev. Ashiey Geriard We Pray Theeb Graclous Lor....James Choir Presentation orf Uenry, P. Williams, Prizes Chian son de Mai (Olid French).......(arr.>Gevaert To. Shortefé itrsSdun.ùeie IPreseutstlinof iJames R. Olir c- Magistrate Herbert B.1 r morning. ecsioai( road, and Rcsinl( roatd, were Past Pr illegal sale - L- - - it of Clas nt, Board of P. Gaffuiey nt, Board of tuber, Board to the tUIce was psipotu uLuU gSu , o itrîvirea p~atus, cu8Jsaieu i wa stt, - .V.O - next meeting of the council, which is Vacation from? the public schools When the cases came up for trial Robe rt- L. F. to be held on September 12. will begin in about twù weeks. The eavb defendant pleaded.guilty on one Biesemeier a n d boys and girls of Wilmette know that count, and each was fined $20W and E. W. W eb er. Arrange Early Service as soon as. that time cornes the costs. Bartoli paid $25 and the costs, Both will fly to; DurngSum erMonhesummer reading club at the public $175 of the fine being suspended. the west co as t Durig S mmerMonhsibrary wil. get under way. 11 Bleser was given two weeks in which via U n it ed Air The summer schedule of services in Sirice "Airmail week" with its ac- to rsaise the money to pay fine and 1 i n e s the latter the* Wilmette English Lutheran conunaiiviung rozrams on the radio costs. part of hext