nie. June 11 TIMELY'GIETS Wa sh Slacks Interwoven SockE Jantzen Trunks Summer Tics Sports Sweaters Polo Shirts Hickok Sport Belts Arrow White Shirts DÜUNS TOGG£nEy The Yilinetle 1164 Wilm.t Ave. FIRST Store for MenWimte23 CHRISTP INQIS the new location. Besides a full,. une of dry goods, *omnef's and chilren's wear,_imen's and boys' furnishings and shoes of established reputaion WIllI be featured., The, store bas heen a busy place, the p ast. Week, receiviflg, checking and arranging for 'effective display large ConisignmefIltS of new, fresh mierchan- dise that will'afford s-5atisfactorv. se- lèction to the niost priclrshop-) Pers. Mr. Zick extends to ail North, Shore viliagers an urgent invitation' to, be present. on. the opening day-Frida, June1. Prom ise Water Sup ply for Vacant Properties George Wýhite, 821 Ridge av-enue, and cher owner ofvacanft .properties. lying between Sixteenth and Seven- teenth streets and extending f rom the first alley south of Lake avenue to the first alley north of Spencer ave- nü,--ppaz before the Village board Tuesday night seeking the co- operation of that body in the la% Ing of a water main f rom Lake to Spencer avenues, in Seventeenth street. s-The properties, lying directly across JUNE 12, 1938 Subjeci: GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN READING ROOM - Il13 3 Cenral Avenue * Open Daily (cxcept Wcdnesclay) 9, A.M. ta 6 P.M. frzrdt of WVin netka, !while belou is onie of the netu frostbite dinighies,_ of. the Mowee cIass "B" tyPe, nuw htecomng popular. Jt I belongs to Ike Atwood of Chica2go and, s sailed by Wr. Burkhardt and Bill Con over of Ea'ènston. Inasmuch as the. same situation .eX- ists ini other parts of the village, the petitioners were: as .sured that the board would endeavor to work out some plan* whereby relief would bc given in ail sucb cases. East univg ,1IS a, -, 1