H ERE? if you have cailouses or buraing or cramp-like pains where finger ponte, it is a sure sign of weak metatarsal arcb Dr. Scholl'a Met Rest Insole t $1.00 per pair will give you relief. Vie carry over 40 Dr. Scholl'a best Foot R~eiefs and will bel P you select what you need. À Fre Foot lest will convince you. TAYLORUS 1193 Wlmette Ave. Wlmte11 Across from Village'Hall ing %pace is flot completeci althougli any reliable contractor could have finished the entire job ini froin six: to eight weeks.. During this same 13 months endless landscaPing hbas been done ,and an ,elaborate -amphitheater construc ted.to be used exactly nine tumes each year. Inquiry reveals that this unfinished w ork isnot due, to the latk of or inefficienicy of labor, but rather to failure. of thepark board to provide less than $200 worth of second-hand brick with which ýto pave thé' re- maining one-third of the proposed parking space. là the meantime Mvichigan. avenue north of 'Sheridan. road bridge is packed with cars ýwhere. local police hand out no-ligýlit tickets with. a lib- eral baud in spite of the -fact that manyv of these cars, especially on Sunday, are parked at noonitixue. whien turn long after dark. Mighit it flot have been better to delay planting a few hundred shrubs -laying unuised sidewalks-building i miscellaneous 'bunkers-or wbiat niot- and- first comiplete the one practical unit of this park project for whicli there 'is a serious public demanid? -Citizen batten on trhe public tresury an, to use the words of Bill Nye, g&cry bi tterIy when deprived of it,ý even for one moment?" Is there rio Meanis of organiz ing the word and will of the people to make, themn fear for their own jobs uniless they make the* recommended changes for efficiéncy and saying and relieve,,the present oppressive taxes?ý There is, but wilI we take it? That Open Letter Now turn to page 3, and, read the report on the State School Board Bill. In bis open letter, B. M, Kohler, presicleut of the Giencoe. Board of; Education, endorses House Bill No. 41 and opposes Senate ,.Bill No. .6.: 0fý these, the news columnns report that there are two, major and several minor conflicts. The major conflicts' are betweeu Republicans (House Bill 41) and 1?e<ocrts g(Senateê &iII Ne- 6) and between Governor Horner and John A. Wielandl, State Superintend- eut of Public Instruction. The minor conflicts are the internai dissent be- tween factions. in the two major .parties. No mention is made of the basic question-a struggle between an in- efficient .and costly outgrown system of educational administration and a new, cheaper, miore efficient and de- Clair Omiar Musser, Jr. Humnming Birds . .......NTiemann The Nightingae.. ... Alableff-Liszt Prelude G Minor . ---ýRachmaninoff .Mildred Hanzel Solfeggletto............ ........ ach Prelude A Major .......Chopin Fuer EMise.............Beethoven. Wallace Bradway Romnee..............*ibe1iuq Georýge Christ Spinning Girls by the Carantec........Rhene-Baton Minstrels...........Debussy Spanish Dance D F.... Barbara. Gazin RETURNS TO SOUYH John Sherrouse,' wbo was. a bu guest for a week of the Wvilliami Harridgies, 1440 Forest aven .ue, ledt Monday morning-for bis-homne in, Monroe, La., Mr. and Mrs. Har-, ridge wenit to Culver, Ind., last week to bring Bill, and bis classmùate,' Mr. S herrouse, homie- with tb em f rom Culver Military academy. Bill planS- to enter Nýorthwestern universî;t%- it Oie fail. MA THEMTCA une for patronage,. for paying off Dear Jane of old scores; using the necessity for 1 was ve ry much pleased to re- a reorganization of the school sys- ceive your graduatiug. announcement temi as a pretexçt for power and spoils. card and of course deeply regret that Who pays? We do. 1 .will not be among the 'great tbrong Who bas the say-so? "Our" legis- present next Thursday evening. I wiîî lature. Or is it ours? be thinking of you though and wish-, What van we do? Fight!. Make our ing you aIl kinds of happiness and representations to the legislators Who good luck. We aIl hope the young ostensibly represent us. And see that, mnen and wonien who> wiIl soon, oc-. from now on, the candidates are re- .. tw ,r:#e -eems at UueýýI Ward I1cloctor of Wili Rot lai. spot