w agers of iumber enterprises in the South and West. Mr. Fentress has been active, in the councils of the alumnii of Prince- ton University, is a trustee of. the Berk-' sbire- school' (Sheffield, Mass.), and a founder member of the North Shore Country Day school, Winnetka. He is also, a director of the Chicago Crime commission :and American Federation of Investors, Inc. The boa.rd also elected Robert B. Umberger to the office of executive vice president, and added. Walter. L.ý Vini.ceit,. pïresidetait ofý the Central-Illi-. nois Securities corporation, to the ex- ecutive committee.. Since7 coming to Chicago from the Iowa'National Bank of Des Moines iri 1917, Mr. Umnberger bas been successively secretary, cashier, and vice-president of Personal Loan & Savinigs banik, formerly the Chicago MJorris Plan bank. Mr~. Otfs, wiio Wàs thé first piesdent * of,,the bank, stafed that, with the eiec- tion of Mr. Fentress and the continu- aiice of Marvin B. Pool as chairman of thle executive committee-a post whichi M.\r. Pool has hield for over 15 years- and with Mr. Umberger as executive vice president, the management of the Personial Loan and Savings bank is continued essentially without change. Correct/fo.r the Uni1 ted States Naval Reserv.e, who lives at 538 Glencoe road, Gleszcoe, is cominanding the United States Submarine Chaser 64, which for the next rnontht will make a series of train ing cruises in corn- paeey with other vessels of similar type oit the Great Lakes. Mr. Huguen in is also comrnanding of- ficer of the 22nd divisions of the Naval Reserve, Chicago, nddefinitelyft0ttering when styted for you by our expert operators i s the smfibtest permanent wave yet acheved... Designed for thechic womn-; H4ai Styling, including shipng, thinning and shampo.. Special; prces for Jun. and. JuIy. GLO-TONE or GABRIELEEN........$6.00 ends only........$400O MACHINELESS.... ..$8.00 Ends only .... . . ... ... $500 Pll.u,.-WiImet. 4576 De Nelda l3eauty Salon 934 Spaniskh Court nouseguests lor the wedding O.r. and MIrs. Foster Walti of Decatur, Ill., W. R. Buckmaster of Decatur, and Dr. and' Mrs. Conrad Elvejhem of Madison. W. R. Buckmaster is the bridegrooml's grandfather, and Dr. and Mrs. Waltz are bis aunt and unlcle. Miss Peggy.Lively and Tom Live- ly, 1511 Central avenue, have return- waters. Since that time, these crafts, of 110-foot length, a cisplacement of 100 tons, with a crew of 25, have been used largely for the training of naval reserve officers and enlisted men. SUMMERS IN EAST iNss Mr. ai El 5jean Reh feld, daughi ter H. Rehfi jSTRAWBERRIES mrtl' or 2Scj ORANGES. Sweet and luicy ...... 3 doz. 59c N o Maun's Land 1 1-