SJofln LIidsay 011 the lv± Frank Mni Elves at PLay Joan Lindsay ln the Robbers', Cave .. Rowland Brailsford (,uof tht, GypsIes .. Mdary Joan Rowe Iii thé Boat', Ana L iawren(*c, Thé ell3elof 8t. Mairy Betty. Riser 'Plie SIllor Boy Dreain. Royc. Rowe Ga.ynor Crawford Mueler, ...Behr Franke Adams. ,t. Haehe A Dei......... ............Lypn Virginia Fitzgerald 11 Buttertly............Merkel Mary Louise Hall'. Fur Eliùe.... .......... Beethoven J anet Caînphausen Roniance................. Richar'ds Joan Lindsay Spinning Song ......... ... Mendelssohn Audrey Lawilence Construction began a few wecks ago on a new house which Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Grossberg, 2038 Ken-, ilwor-th avenue, Kenilwor*th, are. build- ing at 949, Valety roacl, Glencoé. The Grossbergs expect -that their new home, early. American ini style Witb Regency- type of architecture, will be ready for. occupancy about. the first of October. H-arlow and Murray Triplett, son s of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Triplett, 1624 Elmwood avenue, returned home re- cently f rom Purdue university. 'Har- low lias.finished. lis sophotuore year, and Murray has complèted bis fresh- mian vear. ý ý NO A. G. Nordgrui No MB.'. Laad ýShoeimnR..d at Nif t eqet No Marna La", os