t8xuSnd, (oIfrq off ers, *Intensive six-week typing course LIntensive eig1*rwtk shorthand course 20-27, July,5 UNIversity 3004 WM. . CALLOW, Prin. Wilmette, Carter Hadley; Kenil- worth, Holland FlaHavan; Winnet- 'ka, Sam Clark, Jr, Williamf Hayes,ý Jerry-Volny; .Glencoe, Wally Peter- son, 'Kit Beebe. STAFF MEMBERS Camp. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wafl will soon ope'n. It is onlly.nine days until the first period campers 'for Camp Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan,will beI on -their way on the cracký train of the Chicago and North Western. railway, the Fl1am- beau. Saturday, 25 camp staff m-emnbers leave for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wàn, to have>camp in complete readines .sfor- the Scouts when they arrive on Sat- urday,, june 25. COURT 0F HONOR *A highly successful couirt oft hoô for Winnetka Scouts was held last Thursday evening in Matz hall of the Commiunity House. Presidinig at *this meeting was George Getgood, director of the Community bouse. The new chairman, A. D. Pettee, was inaugurated and presented to the. Scouts on this occasion. The Whit- ney award was presented to Waync Eves, Troop 20; Fred Bernis, Troop readltfg. Troop 16: Second class, Ja'nier. Ma- Donald;, star, Davis Ellis; mert ba(4ge,- Burt Cochran, angling; 'Alfred. Hiwttel, handicraft Charies. Swarts, aidicraft., Troop 18: Second class, :Rty Fitz- gerald; star,. Donald Maguire; mnert badges, Dix Englafld, pathfinding. life savingK, ploneering; Don Maguire. sin mtIng, cooking, bugllng, woodwork, han- dicraft, flrst aid, clvics, reading, patl- finding,. zoology, botany, carpentry. pjuh- lic healtli, personal health. Troop,20: Trenderfoot, Williatm But- Ier,. BIII Balz; fIrst clams, Doi, Lourie,. Steve DeClergùe; star, Jini Hase;, bronze palm, Wayne Eves; mieit badge. Preston Bu.llngham. ffWimnmitig, reàd- ing; Steve DeClergue, statnp.colleetifg, swlmniing, handicraft; Wayne Eves, journialismr, hiking; George Gerne: swim- ming,. reading, woodwork; Jiin Haase, carpentry; _wood*<)rking, .metalwork, personal health, 1handicraft; (Owen Rayes, hiking, automobiling Walter Hochifl, hiking; .Dick Jolinson. r:,zd-. ing: Bill Markus, muslr, sviin'niig Phiillp Towle, farin layout. HAPPY LAD Rate auider TelphmeWiIm.t*. 1627 ils' Av.... INew'Presidentof Girls' Athletic Organization At the New Trier High school Girls' Athletic association banquet Thursday evenliig, june 9, the of- jprize for ti.è state WI. H.CALILOW Classes Begin lune 1718 Sherman Nvenue W. H. CALLQW, Mgr. . lu