At 'the request of the, bride no showers will be given for Miss Dorelle Mou1ton. daugh- ter-of Mr,. and Mrs. William A., Moulton, 235 Raleigh , road, KenliIvorth, before ber marr - age .Monday', June 27,-, to Vinr- cent Dykeman Andrus -of Stani- ford, Conn., the son of Mrs. Edward W. Pinkham f Stani ford and Sarasota, but. many; friends are planinig.dinnier par-ý tics and other affairs f or thé young couple. The entertainîng will commence next Monday with a dinner, party. which Miss Florence, Hermnes of C hiý- cago wiIl give at her home in Chi- cago. Wednesday evening, June 22, -Miss Prudence Johnson of Kenil- worth wil be hotes abuxffet dIr- ner at ber home, and the next eve- ning Miss Lily Fleming of Lake Forest will entertain at the dinner dance at Onwentsia club. Mrs. Percy Wilson will entertain at luncheon at Otiwentsia Friday, June 24, and then. will talce ber guests to the horse show; That eve- nîng Mis Valeria Harris of Clhi- caio will be hostess at a dinner at flernie Photo *The rector's garden of the Chuirch of the. Holy Comforter,. in Kenilworth, one of the most interesting scenic spots on the North Shore, is to. be'.the set- ting of an afternoon tea and old-fashioned ice cream .an-d cake "sca, from 3 to 9 0'clock Sunday, Jn 1.The party is sponsored by the 1Bishop Philander Chase guild of the church, and tickets aybe ob- ..tained from Mrs., Carroi011 Lord. of'410 Brier street, Kenil- worth,'w.ho reports a>,very si't- isfactory early sale., The affair is planned for both'ai- ternoon and evening, as the gardeti may be vieWed erither byi daylight or electric light. A musical programi ~w4il beplayed 4d.simg the "socia1l' by. Mrs. Virginia K. Colins of Kenil- worth, on the recently instailed hie.and vibraharp, and those Moffett Photo who wish to watch the instruments in by..~w. ~ operation will find the tower open ry Îfavnd for their convenience, the gu.ild an-. le:3O OC1OCk. Mrs. Lord is general chairman as enceBuree, well as, ticket chairman for the 3urpee Hall, "social ;" Mrs. Erederick J. Schmidt has charge of the refreshments ; irteen years, Mrs. James A. Carruthers is arrang- flowers, and Mrs. Robertson B. af Winnetka « rdeMtisn rsieto h uli eon on Sun- Charotte Ln fe o Grand Siam Big s\ftisi.peieto h uli will be fol- Isassisting the various coniittees. acocktail Marry rai S JJIar Neii. ra ncisDPatyThe. hostesses will be the following athho e rr .rî îuau eu~..acsm~Yinembers of the guild: Miss Aimnee Lake Forest. In a quiet wedding cereniony at Mrs. William Spillane and Mrs. Drake and the Mesdames Oscar day, Homer 9 o'clock Saturday miorning, june Bernard Kavanaugh will be the host- Dale, Robert M. Burus, Charles H. Bertha, Jr., 25, in St. Augustine's Epiiscopal esses for the next neighborhood Nelson, Herbert. Paulsoln, Arthur P. party for the church ini Wilrniette, Miss Chîarlotte pa.rty' to be given for the benefit of, Jenks, Charles Jtschner, George E. '. . . 1 f Ir C ýI- il.:111."- -A c - - -_ Ç2 hiffflan. esie Tavlor. T rk Tavlor. 8WILME TTE LIFE 38