'clock the 15~0 guests hea rd teRv Gerald Moore of *St. Luke's proý cathedral in Evanston iread the wd dig service., Large ývases of ýpeonjes decorated the iantel, and the living room where both cerernony and ré- ception werehed The bride was gowned in a white -lace dress made with long train, and, a veil of tulle. She carried a .bouquet, of white roses.1 Miss Mar- garet. Ennis, her scbool friend and only attendant,,wore a dress of gray chiffon and a wide-brimmed garden bat. Her flowers .were liies of the valley. Mr. -Ca'merôn-Smith and hi s bride bave motored to Michigan to spend their. boneymoon at the sumnier home of. the bride's father. They- wïll be, *at, liorneafter juIy 1~ in an,. apart- ment thev have taken in Chicago. Rosary Club Told of Rescue Work The most recent Rosary club, I)ecadi group of Technv c in Chin meeting of the e 111, one of the Carlos ]Photo Mr. and Mrs. RalPh Booeer, 530 Essex road, Kenzilworth, ait- niice the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ellein, to John Wesly Culte», Jr,, son of gr. and Mrs. John Wesly Culte», 1226- Ash- land avenuie, Willirette. MaryfEIJ.n Bow er f Wed John Cullen, Jr. At a luncheon party at the North Shore Country club on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boozer of 530 Essexc road, Kenilworth, announced the en- gagemnent of, their daugbter, Mary Ellen, to John Vzçsley Cullen,. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.John Wesley Cullen, 1226 Ashland avenue, Wil- Your .Week-Day ýDinners 75c. luncheonisp 50t. Friday. J... Fresh Mushroon Pzýk T08 Broiled, 17. 1938 Dimmer. 75c Bisque Sofln ter Ribs, of Beet Salad oÏ Head 1 1000 Island, club is aiding, wvas of muçti interest, "Il*1 ion to the mieiubers. July 19 lias 1b een selected, as thé Besides thé hostess. Ms Lagen, the wedding date, and the ceremony wili other miembers of the club are: Ms take place at the Winnetka Congre- Guy Gladson, presideit; Ms FranK gational church. \V. Riedler, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. George E. Wells, MIrs. George l,. Steele, M rs. Frank Gibbons, Mrs. Jack Holden of 527 Warwick road,j Betrami Coltnian, Mrs. Johin Morgan Kenilworth, returned Friday of last Eckert, Mrs. EdwardJ. Keer, Mrs.. week f rom the Un.hiversity of Michi- Chil Hot Beverage Saturday, Jue 18. i1938 Balied Individual VeaI Bi 5300, soc