C See our large Coniplete selection N Solid maple davenport, $37.50. You will like the informai grace and real comfort, of this sturdiiy buit sofa-and the evident utility ................ of its wide ârns. -Showti in fie f jete_0, YVa I 0 PiSel< grec hob ie pti ere ~ colors and' patterns. Reversible spritgilled back, pillows and. cwshions. $37.50.., e e TAoier table balo el to 'niirdesii Jhi in solgsmafe id e rmepsapk 1x7x$ hg . tDnsa*I8 rtigs inattractve geý_nIàri- Lue o rt laidf cooimesn M5., an oo solid mafIeoSize, 24x2xns" high. long pr. se areird mapdleeoroc2kiutig chair, cretonneervceabovert d,.spay .1 in bron, gre'n orred-wia contastcl piping.blBack, iovol isorenialsiese.n$plain, all o