]Barrington COun club. - Thé officers were given places of honor at the: head of-a U-shaped table which was 'gail-y decorated "ih plink and whîte peonies and blue. ciachelor.-buttons. The, invocation *as by Mrs. Léonard B. Van Deur- sen. Following thé lunc heon, Ifrs. E. J, Pevi e prsident, introduced Mrs' Frank Adamns, president of the Wom- an.'s Club of Wilmette, who extend- ed ber. greetings and bhest wishes. The outgoing oficers ndcom mit- tee chafrmen, as wflas tt ncom-ý mg9 officers and chairmen, were in- troduced to the members and their> gtests. The officers for ibis coming year are:- Mrs. E. J. Devlin, president: Mrs. M. A. Borreson, vice-president; Mrs.Lôuis Bcck-er, tccording sec retary; Dr. Clarissa Rainey. cor- responding secretary; 1Mrs. Charles Murphy, treasurer. The foliowing are committet chair- men: r. William Edmonds, pro- gram, Mrs. William Heise. social;, Mrs. David Johnson, communitv in- terest; Vrs. Frank Sutle, child and home; Mrs. Harold Ingerso1t, liter- ature; Mrs. William Merkle, phil-. anthropy; Mfrs. John M1ilîs, garden M lrs. George S. Milpior (aitte l/0t, 200 W'arztick road, Kenilu'ort/t MVrs. Ken net/t E. Shepa rd, 1214 Lake Shore drke, Evans-ton, wit/t Mrs. RiifA BryânàttRohde (dldrd fircia lefi) fomer m a.se r to Dknar'k, adi Mu1! .V ancv Smyit/te aitte ri ghtL doughter of MVr. and .Mrs. EdziiiiH. S»mythe, of .E:z:jsfon, zvere photographed at the. cehralîon of t/te recent centenary of Vcnticello college, Godfrey,, Ill. MVrs. .Rohde as an alimnna of t/te school and spoke at t/te .-li>miedinnper. -s. MVihior and MVrs. S/te pard are the presidentî and zicc-presid'cot, respectiveli., Of t/te Chicajo JI9ottz ce//o Sf udensl associa!irkn. At dent emeritus ofMo tied for honors at the flower, show recently held by the Kenil- worth Junior Garden. club at the' Kenilworth Union churcli. Aivards were madé b)YpQpular vote of the members and their guests, the mnembers of the'. Kenilworth Garden; club>. Pur-' __ple ribbons: were. given hoth ,,taýbles, wvhich. received an equal numnber of "votes .as the out,~ standing exhibit of the show. Oerribbons'were awarded as foi-, lows: Mrs. Stuyvesant Blutler,fis prize for an arrangement ini a silver container suitable, for a dini.ng rooni table; Mrs., Wendell Clark,> second. prize; Mrs. Frances' Christie,' third priz7e, and Mrs.- Clayton Burch. honorable mention. MNrs.-Stùyvesanri Bfuier, first. prize for an arrangemient of peonies; Mfrs. Christie, second prize; Mrs. -Ogdeîi Cook, third prize, and Mrs. Clark,. honorable mention. Mfrs. Weslev Bloni, first prize for' an occasional1 table arrangement; Mrs. Leon Ellis.' second prize; Mrs. Leonard Paidar. third prize. MNrs. Ogde'i Cook, first prize for *an arrangement in a sugar bowl: and a alk b'%IiMss Elvyse lov. "hobo reporter of Arnerica." 1 1 Miss loy, who started her news.. paper career in New England, toid how site becaîne a hobo reporter. She said that at-a banquet one nighýt * she was seated next to G--oiernor Curley and during the course oi the evenirtg the Governor bet her that she eouldn't get tn JHTnIvwojirrorn Several Noýrth Shrore alui-nnae were participants ri recent iestîvity at- tendant upon the centenary,. celebra- tioin at NMontièel:o college at God- fiY r 1yI, Mris. L. Harrison. Mettler and Ms Arthur Simp-son of Hubbard Woods, M rs. Christopher K. Beebe of Gýlencce. and Ms.George ilnor and Mrs. Amuel B. Spach of Kenil- wvorth were among thosé ,goxng 'irùm the. toun.u Tro' 'io unt i-i0yoike, andi ston a pile of brick> while F*olyoke was building 'to talk 'over the wvork %Vith liher. A president of 'Monticello for fortv vearý,, she wvas a graduate -oi Mount Hol-voke. Centelary -g re etings were given i rom Yale, \Velleslev. i roin the Illi- nois Colleges. froni the Junior col-. leges. Centenary honors were con- MNrs. Litteil, honorable mention. M rs. Littell, first prize for aii oriental arrang-emient: M rs. Butler, second prize ; «Mrs.. Kelsey Sanders ' third prize. and M.rs. Heath, hionior- able menltiol.- Jatu1It, ;llS1 e 1 1024 c(l l 1r l1 V. is 1, inolrit g fo wwiîis tli~ ~~ v ied, iiud ill rettii olie'ITursi Ia Y. 11 l i lg -23.