nfltw,.FLOORIfHOW m,,nÇRIOPIE COLE.! TA lYA b(141 m EV 81ILI DOROIFIELD Donfl59LLY )Eflths NO COVER CHARGE, 'nN RA DOLPN4 7L TLALU reward each golf er -with. a coat of suný-tan that no drug store on Çarth can match. Following gof-di*nner, and a.t: nine» the dance., Summer formai decreed. Music by "The Sùnburn Boys"-and are they'hotl. Swing and ever'thing. Corne the Iwtching hour of idnight, guests are excpected l0 be. hungry aga in-come and get, it. It's free: for the grabbing. Specialty events of the out-of-the- ordinary kind have been billed for both afternoon a~nd evening-if thereý is a duil moment f rom the tee-off until lights o ut, it won't be the club's. fault. Don't miss "'June Breeze." It will blereal fun. Academy G: Herbert R. Bolin, s àrs. H. J. Bolin of venue, Wilmette, andN r., son of Mr. and Mr. Chestnut 1C. Pearl, Loop at 9:20 a, m. Anotner spca train, Éouthbound fromn Milwaukee, will leave that city at 6 à, m., bring- ing Wsoni fans Who will meet and ride back with th.e Ciago ee gation. 1Catering to the désire of every rail- road enthusiast to inspect and, snap, pictures of all and evéry type of equipment, special arrangemà,ent s have been made for stopo vers at the High- wood yards (of the- road; at Wauke- gan, for inspection of. city lines. equipment and. one of the company's. autonlatic, sub-stations; at Milwau- kee, where, they will sece one of the most complete model railroads ever, buit-that of the, Union Terminal Railroad company-and at Muncie- lei. Sponsored jointIy by the Eiectric Railrolacers association of Chicago, the t'i4del Raiiroad club of Milwau- kee and the Model Railroader Magaý zine, the trip is attracting wide in- terest among "jui-e". fans-railroadese for electric interurban enthusiasts. The routing of the trip bas been sQ arranged that the fans will cover the entire railroad, branch lines as weIl as main routes. Metro Photo mis£ Claudia JÉckert, 417. Lin- den avenue, Wilmette, wl-~OLf swimrniflg and- divin g star, accom4- Panied by Miss Elli1. cnln 5021 West Adams street, Chicago, has weft for -a'routid-heCzvorld tour,. during uhich the pair zwili give ex- hibitions and engage in amiateuar from tomor- "Presi- rive at h point at the ceremoflles. Dr.- Brown's ad- stop at iugabor dress, the subject of which will be On. july 21 the tourists will reach ".Wbat We Live By," will be broad- Singapore. july 23 they will be in cast by Station WGN at 12:30 P. m. Penang, Prince of Wales Island. Sight- Chicago Daylight Saving time.. seeing and exhibition swimming at Co- Scores of local alumni of the Lake lomibo, Ceyloti, will occupy july 26 and. Forest irenaratory school will retiirf 27, the pair arriving at Aden, Arabia, ion and ing with stxr0t 1ha wý