Ylinmwl eavoeit. brand pomptIy delivereu t. your homo.' PAO*DU-JUN ERICKSON, wilmtt- 4092 *I arn about to launch myseif on a campaign. I don't want to be elected president' of anything. .1 don't want to, be the mayor of Studio City,- like Hugh Herbert. I don't even .want to be an honorary mayor, like AI Jol- son is in Encino. which, ini case yoil. are flot' familiar with this part. of the Country, lies about 12 miles out. off Hollywood in the Sanx Feinando val- ley. The objective of my campaigu ià this: I shoulci likce to sec big game MATINEi .REDUCED1:80 to 0:30 Central St. at SUIDATs flycile Stadium 25c waters was. I got the sharlc and let Me, tel you there's no fish in th e océan that puts up a battie equal te these- streamlined . torpedoes, l'Il bet that- Mako was out o f the water at least 20 feet at times. Incidentally, for a real i-brill, 1'4, recormend harpooning the fisb with apronged arrow shot fromn a regula-d tien bow. I, did that with the Mako, then fought himfi with regular »tackle., But Yeu really feel like you've ac-, complished something when you sink an arrow into. a game, denizeîi ofte [.arned:Archery I w as mighty glad, that 1 learned te be somewhat of an archer -in nmy last picture, "The Adventures. of Robin Hiood." It's great sport, ilhe Walton. Sto t hould h is n~ Sby ur's A Crowd." But they tel sa lot of fun, too. I enjoyed it. ,seven big sting rays îa Cat à arrows. The biggest one I cdwas a f ellow Weighiiig some tbing should bc donc this situation to bring the t sport in the *rorld within of the average man. l'm con- that if sufficient sportsmen-