PINKECRTON'S PATROLT OP0 RTED by Pinkerton N a. t fo n a. etective Agenicy, Imc., turrishea uùniforrne gards a.nd waàtehmen for day or nigh service gnd for speciai occasions. Phone ý.your neato SuperiQr, 7667. 15LTN3-4tp t.A OPT@MEIISTU OPTOMETRI8T 35 yrs. eperience.. Eyes.itted properly. Broken lenses replaced,trmreaed JOSEPH P. KUSS 804 Eln St.,Winaletka,3671 804 Elm15A:LTN35-ýtfc 31 UILDING AND REPAIR Repair, Modernize, Remodel CALL KENILWORTH 5511 Fencing carpenter and cernent work. Plastering, painting and stucco coatlng. ~~ ~l2L6-ltp etc-, 1-4tp qT. Wl'-. which you haven't time for, done to your satisfaction of these skilled workmen who advertise on this page; iý la PAINTING AND DECORATINQ LO0UIS SKOLNIK f-5 yrs. experlence on North, Shore Outside painting done with pure mna- ternais., Best recommendations. ýCarry' compensationh. Apýpreciate your eall for any arnount. of, work. Wilmette 3503. Otto- Durkoop Eugene Durkoop Painting and Decorating 325 Washington A ve., Giencoe. 1512 Not afilliated with Durkoop Dec. Service 25LTN44-4tp LAPScAP SERVICEg 14. YRS. ON THE NORTH SH-ORE. REÂSONABLE PRICES. PRiE.E E STI1MÂAT ES. EVERGREENS, S H n U B S AND FERTILIZERS. WINNETKA 3858. 52LTN46-tfc 53 L.AUNDRY LAUNqDRYý TO TAKE AND DELIVER Bes N.S.refers. Ph. Winnetka 869 53LTN6-4tcý J. M.~ ECKERT PIANO TUI Al' Decorating Service Thomas Loel Havlng served the North Shore for 20 TUNER, W) years we -have establlshed a reputation______ for betten quality work at moderate cost. 5524. Broadway, Chgo. Res. Wil. 1199 Z25LTN3-4tc Painting and Decorating RADOuEN GOOD WORKMANSHIP seAD aN( Reasonabie prices. .meand ane Linden hof Training Schools AND BOARDINO KE9NNELS for. ail br eeds. Private in and outdoor runs. Air-conditioned kenneis. Persona-1 care. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schaefer Waukegan Rtd. at Winnetka Ave. Glenview 270. 12LTN4-Itc CAINARIES AMD OTHER SMALL .pets boarded, by day, week or nionth., Finest cane, dean & 'sanitary,. Reas. rates. Macdoýnald's Petland, 1504 Sher-' man Ave. Gre. 8832. 12LT-N6-ltp. FORý LIMITEOD GROUP 0F STU- dents needing additional acadeini'c work.ý Expeinieced teachers for elemien- tany and secondany subjeetis. 6-week term beginning Jùly 5, in pIea*sant school surroundings. Winnetka 826 or LakFo, rest 9f2030.44LTN'\6-2tp 'TE _Pi ert n48 1FOR TRAVEL, sation. Gnoups or in exp. Best French acci Blanche* Tellis, Ph. 21 STUCCO IRECOATING SPECIALTY Have your home look attri weil as durable. E. R.W, Uni. 3100 or DesPlaines 3 IOSEPH KNE. I. SKOLNIK as COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE. f', Wall washing & starching. paper elng. c Color matching and touch-up work reas. 44p Lowest Prices. Any size Job. Rets. QUALITY WORK ONLY, Wilmette 4288 25LTN6-ltp 73 BzWS $1-EXPE] Jee. Slngi or electric. Milien's He GUA Sewlng Ma, )R YQUR CHIILD 'THIS SU. \1 CAMP SHOREWOOD Offers ail the fun and activities of the distant camp - witin 15 minutes of your home. For boys and girls,. 3-1:4 years - - ,are , Wllmi a n d i 1611 6.r4tp 25147 16 716 Elm THE SERVICE PAGE