The prograni, as antiouticed by the superintendent, Elmher L. Nygaard, is, as, follows: Prograrn Invocation ....... Rev.> Leland Danforth Songs: a. Morning 1I'nvitation'. .. ee * b. Safe in the Harbor,. ",TannhausEýr",.......... *Wagner Seventh and lÊlghth Grades Presentation of lass Gift ....... .....JeromneW. Finnigari Presidenit, Class '38 Acceptance of Class <ijt.........Henry Zander..TI Representative, Class '39 ç a.,M Heart's in the Highlands,. Scotch IiFolk Tune b. Suring Low Sweet Chariot . .....Negro Spirituial Boys' Chorus c. Coine to -the Fair. . Easthope Martin A. Liebestraum......... ....... Liszt Girls Glee Club Préenrtation of Class of I9-*R E. L. Nygaard, Superinten dent Prentation of Dioine& John Nuveen, jr., President, S;ngs:Board of Education ai. TNelve Grey Dwarfs........ Haydn Elg4-th Grade b. Finlandia................. Sibelius l3eedctonG irls' Glee .Club Týeeditio .... ey. L&ýandl Dariforth The graduates are,: Lorraine Mary Alonzi, Earl 1). Boor- man, Jr., Nancy Borre-gaard, Walter Douglas Boyle, Graharn Burnside., Ste- phen Chase, Jr., Thomnas R; Claffey, Richard Clark, Chorale M.\ayýo Cook, . 1,4,ý R ,axl- In honor of John A. .("Daddy') Hood who wil observe his ninetv-, birthday -oit Wednesday, Juile 22, openz house wîiII b e held that afternoon firomi 2 to 5 o'clockad thal evcuing f romn 7 to 9 o'clock at his home, 106 Sixth strect. "Dadd y" Hood, a Union veteran of the Civil war, is thée father of Mrn. Lenoir Hood Miller of the saine address. Beach to Open in Kenilworth This Saturday Students to Be Given Dipltomas- The 38th annual, commencement exercises will be held this Thurs- day evening at New Trier Township High school, with more than 500 February, june, and Augqst grad- u ates participati à9, Ceremonies, to be held at the Les-> lie F. Gates gymnasium, will s tart at 8 o'cock., Boys are to wear dark coats and light trousers and the girls, are, to wear white gowns. This is contrary to an announcement made in this news-niagazine last week. Yv.n.,nin Mis is- sue. No Speaker While th er e will be no0 speak- er, the class wil be preFented. to the boa-d of ed- class, those who wiIl take active part. will-. be. the Rev. Amnos 1Ihornpburg,* Who,.wilI offerFthe invocation;,J Robb.Harper, school superintendentý; Henry J. Brandt, president of the board of education,; tes o rhs tra, and the boys'ý and girls' ensembles., The program follows: Festival March .......Weber America .....Care Class of*18 ad Audienceé I'nvocatlon....... Rev. AÂmes Thornburg -horal Response .............. .Mozart. Classe of19à8ý Indante from Surprise Symphony **Bydu.. 8ong lhotWords ..Tcakowosky oregla n Dance........le The Orchestra Trrees ............. Arranged by Harris Gis' Ensemble ýod's Treasures ....... ....... Sblu G',irls' and Boys' Ensemble Presetation o. Class E R arper, Superintendent of Sohools Presentation of Dipflomas........... Henrv J Brandt Ala President, Board of Education AlaMater........Old Melo.dy Riecessional March Militaire............ Schubert Members of the graduating clase, as listed at the office of the board of edu- cation are: Tom Anderson, Robert Anderson, Lori-ng Armnstrong. . Charles E. Law, Patricia Aýdeline Liip- man, M~artha AnmiT.odwick, Cha rleEn Marschallý Barbara Vorik Merkle, Paul Clark '%ooney, Johin L, No%,aF,,cone. Dudley Orvis, flerbyert Pemble, Jr.. Donald Raggio, Sara Rlobertson, Genc- vieve M. J-yan, Walter Allen Richter. Gi-ace Scllekpp, Idam:ie Schulze, Mar. jonce Simmons, Reneýe Randali 5maIl, Nancy. Starrett, Catlhenine Tideman. Laurence James Wade. Jr.. Robert .Narshi Warren, Mollie Suc- WIlliai.ns, John E. Van Hiorne. Patricia~ Zipprodt. residents. of the mun -park and school disi to menimbers of. the.' These, which cost$ l)y menibers of the limited number of1 Admission to the be made by paymeii it was 'added. Life Gui riicipality and the stricts as well as Kenilworth club. $3, may be used family and by a house guests. beach may aiso t of a daily fee, mette. James Randolph Olin of Kenil- worth, senior president, is to. present the class gift,. which will be accepted1 by Mr. Barnett, head of the board. The Rev. E. Ashley Gerbard, rec- tor of Chri st church, Winnetka, isr to offer the invocation. J Jeanne DeBerard, Don. ne Digne, Çatherine Doose, F'rank Dowd,. Frank Eccles, Robent 3m T. Edrnonds, Doris ni's- clubi. i é i . . - 1 . 1 . 'l' - r