lunches to eat during the noon lunch and rest period bef ore starting back to their work of Rafla basket weav-, ig and -poster .making.'e proj.- eýcts,ý which feature this week of handi-. craft activity, wilLbe ju.dged--the con-' test is-between the two parks Vatt- ma n and the village green. The trend of ideas, the children, find most popu-- larin their poster .making is toward the illustration of the village-wide pet show to be held at. Vattinan park Wednesday night according to the directors of thé parks. Other'activity wh-ich hold the inter- e f ail children is part of the daily> ,programn at botb parks. WVith a daily story hour which séems to be one of Alfred Carl Hottes, associie editor'o! Better Homes and Gar-, dens, a recognized national authotr- itly on. qardens, writer,. traveler, lecture r;, and formnerly prof essor of horticulture at Ohio State unive-r- sily, ivill bc presented to the North Shore public In a lecture Saturday eve'pnii.Julv 9.ud j'y nusces jof n This famous "Arstoerat of Ail Haine" with ali lts old-time farn» fiavor 310w processed to an added deliclous flavor and tenderness. Needs ho parbolllng,- to ýserve hot place ln oven 10 to 12 miutes--12 to 14 IbÉ.- avg.- *Éole ONLY!........................... ........ 3 e HAMS CudahY'u Swift's 27le s-#âOKUD ROULITUS Ovenized, 12 to 14 lbs.. avg. Cudahy's Jack Spratt Roulettes, bone- Whole ONLY! less rolled enioked Cali Hami n Vlsklng SLICEDBACONcasing. Wonderful, flavor, jean and SL-35eACO tender. 5 to lbo.. Peacock. Lb. J - average ....... A. 29112« *ood Hot or CoUd CORNED BfIEF 27c lb, Sweet Plckled. BEEF TONGUES PALACE 9UALITY STEAKS Prime beef; thoroughly aged. Cut to ýorder. STEA ......... b43e STEAK ... lb.38 Iii the field of playground sports, junior and senior girls kickball teams t junior and senior boys soft bail teams have been organized and are training ior- the games between the two parks. wvrote a Gardeni ýer of his1 tmas:, .ede*, is geological survey party. . 1ire at Deyrer bliop Froni-Mount Vernon the party will1 During the past two m-eekS the be divided into smaller groups which Wilmette ire, departmient has beexi wiltravel the country gathering called tipon to' put out two small inaterial for a series of special fires. geological maps. The fi-rst fire was at il :40 o'clock, Mr. Samiuelson was graduated f rom Wednesday morning, june. 22, at Xýew Trier High school in 1937 and Beyrer's e lectric store. Some rags during thepast year he attended the and cloth5 used by painters were R. C. A. institute ini Chicago. ignited- accidenitaliy. There was no C u...........b. ir.n21lb.. fffi 3kg..... 10n