FRYUNC CHICKENS CHOIE CUTS CHUC« 10*5? LB. 21C FANCY NO. 1 HEN TURKEYS B.29cÇ *eLB3. 25c LEAN SHORT RI#SL 0OF SERF' LB2lc I.Sym.posiumn NVorth Shore eduea tors uwill Par-, ticipat> Ii à analcnference for sch ool adiiiiniçt rata rs, sp n - sored by 'the, school aI ,ed.uca lion of, hei;zg Ield this u-cek. Ma tth eu P. Ca ffnev, uPPe-r 1Mî. CRIRPORKLOýlý,RO>ÀST3 TO 3tk-.PLB 19 SMOKED PICNICS SHANRT..1 9C &ssoRTrED COLD CUY$S FtCKLE end PIMENTO ] ½-LS. SLPICED MdACARONI end CH£ESE VEAL LOAF 14c bMICEELBURGIR ni IVcd;Jesgday. C arlctan Il'. Il asti- huir;i<r. 'ipper right, Iîzek super- i ntendent o.f schools. and Herbert .11ulford. o!, fJUilîette, side. a mein- /,Cr af th, board of editcationl of t Mi il shoI l ZO. tha rtfi1i Pa t ,d Pavel discucssins. hed etiUc- ue(sday amand Thursday. .Photuo!,.f M. -Mulford hV (lite, lichocs. 0o, lMr. Gafn' v3ate CRACKER JACK...3 STAR 15c k-2LB. BAGS .. 1 ,25c renlworrn iResîaent o wbLUK M-liss Margaret Tideman. 138 Ab- Spend Vacation in WeStiiigdori avenue, Kenilworth. and Miss M rs. WVilliam A. Schei, 327 Cumnor Lucy Dix, 236 Oxford road. Kenil- ýoad, Kenilworth, will leave next Sat- worth, left Tuesday night for Camp irday for a. two-month stay in SîlverI Warwick Woods at Sav-ner, Wis., >ate, 'Mont., near Yellowstonepa. where the3 iwill be counselors this She wvill be .accompanied by her -summer. Margaret will instruct laughters, Dorothy, Betty and Jean. campers in riding.. and Lucy wviI1 'frs. Ada 'Mercer of Detroit w-ut oc_ teach swýNimming. Before she left upy the Schei home during the snM.Mis:s Tidemnan entertained a bhouse ,",-r 1 guest. 'Miss Ruth Tohullson of NMii- YUKON 'I