Perfct ates 2prs. Loveiy hosiery in everyday Chiffon. Twô pé.r f e ctIv matched pairs to the box. Matched in length,.weight, color and foot. Made' of fine quality silk reinforced .~ in the, heel and toe. I w~L ..odel A. F4.5 Anastigmnat lens, 1/25. to f,/200: shutter. Double frame, .bujît-i ftripo(1 socket. Usesý 35mm. film. Argus Zipper Case Made spccially to'carry the Argus Camera. lu ýfine> leather with zipper closing. Argus Model C With buit in range finder. FIS5 lens, anastigmat improved shttrige r U lse S shuter Uelease$ 35mmn. filmn. lev Off on $1250 S2~ Cauidid Caiera, Model A., F. Has precisioïïfo-trmntxrollrnt.' Ail other specifications saie zas niodC1 A. $j5 sk A bout n 'niesi -,~ bk '.5 il Evansten JUNE 30, .1938 $1