. must crntheer b u»y£ s--j' ..ulm tu lm - the curent issue. You ARE ÊW.ELcomE Next Wednesday.evening, JulY 6, Wiltte, be- cornes host to ýtheý entire Nýorth'Shore at the: first. of a series of nline concerts to% be given, by the illinois Symphony orchestra Jin the ' beautifulý Washington Park amphitheatre. That the orchestra 1s being brouglit, to Wil- mette -for its third consecutive season is conclu- sive evidence of the high place it has attained in the e4timation of local music loyers, and, its sponsors give emphatic assurance that the pro- grams this season will be even More enjoyable than heretofore. able xithloui: charge, You are included iii this invitation. There is no more pleasant way to spend Weduesday evenings, from July 6 to August 31, than attendance pipon these musical treats. The suggestion has been made that "concert parties" be arranged by North Shore villagers, inviting their friends to join thein for the programs, with an after-concert lunicheon or supper to top) off the evening. What could be one might say that it is the business of no one outside of Chicago if that miunicipality is authorizecl by the legislature to divert $3,000,000 from its share of the state gas tax for relief pur- poses, as proposed by Mayor Kelly. But on sec- ond' thought the proposaI presents. a differenit state was imposed with the traffic," whIich means literallyý that at the trip's e1d lhe %would.have to admit, if pressed wýithi thée question, that lie sawN nothing, but automiobiles. :traffic signs and'- policemen. And, if his' eye s chanced occasionally to rise f roi the road to see what bordered it. hiis. vision encom- passed onîy a miass of colors presénted by foliage. blooin, sky and clouds. 0f the individual, parts of- an enchanting picture hie could recal noue be- cause hie had seen noule. The responsibility of the wheel andi its uerve-wracking demands required his full attention. The motorist's passengers fare onljy slighitl>, biette r: By'the >time ,attention can be called to .,that beautiiful rose arbor" or t1îât "magni ficent formai garden" or "that matchless vista of country landscapje" a turn in the road has' hitiden it'fromi ppair of sturdy legs has it ail over an automobile. EVen a bicycle beats it. This is nlot to disparàge the automobile. As a means of transportation to the section to- be ex- plored. it is indispensable. But when that destina- tion is reached it miust be abandoned by those -who would "draw near to uature's heart," and get the mnost out of a day in the open. is one -of satisfaction that the conspiracy taïled. Some years ago accident claim frauds became "big business." Men and women would pretend to be seriously injured by automobiles, stréet- cars, falliug down in stores, hotels, etc. Crookecl lawyers would sue, and conniving doctors would support the case with faked evidence. In a great many cases judgments in favor of the racketeers would be handed down. Now, however, the *Just in case you should fail tô make the notation. on your calendar, thle concerts by the, Illinois qymphony orchestra begin' next Wedniesday eve- ninig, July 6. The place, Washington. park amphi- thecatre, Wilmette. The tîme, 8 p. m. The. cost- noue whatever toq you, unless you feel like participating in. the citizens',voluiitary fund. That would be appreciatéd, say those in charge. After aIl. it. costs money to provide nne-concerts. \Vhy nlot'help? Aliauthority 0on mosquito bites, colnnected NVit1 the- Des Plaines valley, mos quit o abatem ent dis,- trict,.which,,yon will notice if yo.ugo out of doors any evening nowv, has abat.ed the vicious mosquito, is giving victîmis of the pest instructions on how to avoid the 'Pain of its bite. Elevating your nose. to, the degree known as 4"snooty." you look thce o4QMr~-y n, the e)yýe and say to er with haughty mecm and 'voice registering coni- tempt: "Lady, you have taken an uliwarrauitedl liberty ,witli my leg. 1, have neyer been formallv introduced to voti. You are flot in mny social clas'ý. Your 'ancestors are unknown, and hecaven onlyv knows what (and how many) your posterity %wil be. You are crude, conmon, coarse, and I shall utterly ignore you and the nibble you took of n leg." After relievinig yourself of this formula, voit refuse to scratch the wound,.and the pain is gonIe. get away with it. But, Ambfassador Joseph P. Kennedy found that to be a istake. According to report, he e,çpected an honorary degree froni Harvard university. Being approached' to sign a petition asking that Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis be so honored, he refused, saying that it would be Harvard which would be honored. and not Brandeis. Result: Neitiier of 'em got it. flot be diverted. U. AI. l esiJV. kh to The C. M. & St. P. crack.train "Olympian" and any the state of Montana are monopolizing' railroad accident honors, if any. infront 'of in .^m and 4ecicelecy safer ience of Legionnaires. TRX PXArMU. RXfflR'Mgi purpose 1