ding trip. They left .Tuesdaymo- ing 'to drive home. INNERSPRING NI<A1RESSES $15 Value for 89 '"The Mttress Store" SRAUCI'IS SLUMBER SHOP i 506 SiorunAve..UNI. 2820 WIII I. Marrled Sweeney, Edde Henlderson, Mary Lamb, Betty Jean: Moulding, Jean Scheible', Joan Brown, Mary Moulding, Nancy.. Sutherland. Mary O'Hara, Betty Her- manson, Mailyn Welis, Helen Kol. Scoutt Aide - Joan Benner, Nancy Drake, Carol - IHermanson,. Ann- Lane, Jean Schttitheis, Helen Sweeney, Nancy_ Warden, B3etty WIlliams, Nyhia .Beth Yates.: .Canaer-Dixte ILe Fanckboner, Betty Hermanson, Carol- Hermanson, Fiorice Jones, Marjory Mouiding, Mary O}lara, Ann Sabin,. Jean Sehulthels, Mary Ann Strauci, Nancy Sutherla.nd, Suzanne, Sutherlanid, Fac White., Helen SWeeney.- Bird Finder-Betty Williams. Garden Flôwer Finder-Joan Benner, Barbara Frye,> Ann. Lane, Helen Sweeney, Nancy Warden, Nyhla B3eth. Nature Observer -_Mary Carpenter, Marjory DIouldlng, Ann Sabin, Gloria. BOUNII She bas often expressed lier great happinesà in lier work here, and lier universal populàrity is evidence of the fact that the girls, leaders* and council members have enjoyed the contact t0 a like 'degree. Her presence will be misr'leh but ll that she. has drone and the fields of scouting. N ever lias sne Dolores been too busy with lier prescribèd Engels. i duties to give a helping harid to others Hirsch, ini need and to serve ini a capacity which F'loricei was neyer required of ber. Rer actual1MYIi hours of work have far exceeded those jean Se]h *usually expected of a dinector but she Tanner. has given them cheerfully. Ami t.an, -den, Betty Fears nmem- il. ;eCond time Henderson, 'qancy La-r- n Scheibel, >_Watson. if., Phoebe ManLean, Fraflces, lish, Jean Strauss. Ann Sabin, huitheis. Shirley Spaiigler, Betty Schol.a.ruiip 1-Nancy lDercau, Pat Crawm- A1y Edwards, Nel LoÀuise Minear, ojans to carry it out. At the 1 thçusancis of- visitors v ie week, 10 of the beSt. campers i cour t at the zoo. I ___'J ri she held fo 1