man oi te e VVIinIIciuUVUa cal[ wr the selection of a young woman from the Chicago area who wili act~ as of - ficiai hostess to the Amnerican.Legibii convention ini Los 'Angeles". WJhile on the West, Coast she Will extend an invitation ini behaif of, Chicago, to the Legion ,to hold.its.1939 gkatherinig ii1 this city. Many novel acts and 'unusual' f eat- ures will be included in the Soldier field, show this year,, according. to Fred Ashley, chairman of the publi- City committee, who said that more than 80,000 spectators fromn Chicago and points throughout the Middle- we .st 'are.expected to. fil the stadiumn. Xhat wi11 be for many their -first observance of a polo game will tak-e when the 124th field artillery temo Chicago. under Colonel C. C. Haff ner, ineets the Cuban armv teami. Chair- mian of. this event is- Leon Mandel. who has comnpleted negotiations to Fireworks Display Other features of the show will be "The Parade of Bands", drill -teams, and the largest fireworks display ever seen in Chicago, according to Harry Sewell, chairman of the fire- *works committee. Jay H. Brown, chairman of the i ailroau as a messenger boy. i-e rose through various positions to that of chief clerk. in 1898. -.,In. 1906 he joined the staff,>of the Standard Oul Comnpany of Indiana as c-hief tariff clerk of the traffic department. By 1917 he had gainied the position of traffic manager. H1e was -elected a. directorin .1922 and given the titie of vice-president. in 1927. On June 7, 189.7, Mr. McElroy was ma rried to Miss Florence -Dascombe of ýDenver, Colo., who . survives him.. The, sur-vivors atso iniclude a son, Robert H. McElroy,'.Jr., 1118 Forest avenue, W'ilmfette, and> a dauiglter, Mrs. Aizia Drake, Chicago. In' his social affiliations Mr. Mc- Elroy wa.s a member of the Traffic Club, Swedish club and Evanston Golf. club. He was a meruber of the Présbytèdaù E$uurci.h:' Hold Last Rites for Power Firm Offial Funerai services for Burt J. Den- man, 21 Linden avenue, Wiimette, who passed away en route to Chi- cago on the New York Central rail- road, Saturday miorning, were hield Tuesday at bis home with burial in 1Park.. ii Vark, :place, àlanclH She was thesister of. Mrs., Mary Jackson of. Chicago;. Mrs. Sarah Dempsey, ofý Danvilie,, Pa., and Mrs. Carnie Savage of Milton, Pa. She had two ,grandchildren, Betty Felke and Gwendolyn Killilea. Funeral services were' heldý lasý .Wednesday at St. Athanasius church, Evanston. Margaret U.cArthur, well-knownl piano teacher on the North. Shore, sailed f rom New Yý'ork on Fniday, june 24, aboard the S. S. Statendam, to spend tweive weeks touring ,Cen- tral Europe and the British Isies. proved Constructo.Dmg Other Loins of Correspondingly Low Rates Evans0on Office 1.7 Sherman Ave., Uni. 2600 Winnotka Office 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 Chicago-Office 1 N. LaSal. St. Central 0227 îe~ lawtMer w. work for oursolve: momus for TOI... ofthte Amenîcan £egïon, tioom jUI/ at 127 North Dearborn street, Chi- cago, or with community legion posts. Legion posts throtighout the county are handling the sale of tickets. Harry Weese Given Scholastic Honors Harry Weese, 141 K enilworth ave- _L ,-- - l ' _ .way louth, time was active in tne' Metnodist Episcopai church. H1e is survived by bis widow; by a son and two daughters by a former marriage, . and by six step-chiidren.' He was a member of the Skokie Country club and the University club. MOVE TO WILMETTE The Samuel T. Alexanders have moved to 1517~ Mapie avenue, Wil- ,, to ~ -~and that Ili