Points to New York Proposai, Voluntary Deed Restrictions. Dy Herbert U. Nelson (J&ecuive vce presideeet, National .4ssociàtion of Réal fistae Boards) TIhie pleasattdea(I-etid ,treet. hla1 old niansions, hai.f apartmnent5, in the uni ver si1ty neighborhood where à Staff associate of mine lives, has been s prùcingup forethe last two years. There -have been sand-blastings- tuck pointing, new blinds for the windows, new doorways for old, niew.planting to f111 the-old hedges, new care for old: Sa wn s.' But now one old ginger- bread structure-plIe a sant enough When its faded brick Was dappled, with leaf shadows-has suddenlv been If ail the prospects who have been a waiting an 'active stock market to pick up real estate buys really mean 1what they say, Most of the. North Shore offices wilI be compelled to put on extra help to handie the rush. However, if past performances are any criterion, no one needs to run higli temperatures anticipating this phenomena. :,. The con.firmed stock speculator operates i a groove that is as certain as> de ath and taxes. When stocks are down he naturally can't bIe .expécted to convert his losses, and when stocks a re high he is just, as naturally sure to hold for larger pro fits. Thus we find an endless cycle which is more nften penetrated by acts of' Provi-' North shore *building activities ini the villages of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe which stage& a satisfactory, "come-back" during the greater part'of 1937 but which again took to the toboggan during the latter part of the year, has contirnued on the downward course during the first six months of 1938, according to a compilation of figures from the building department records of the four New Trier Township villages. . During thé first six montbs of 1937 the dollar volume in the four villages reached $2,311,979 for a 'total. of 286 building ýpermîts. as compared to only $934,984 and 158 permnits during a corresponding period in 1938. 5S Per Ceut Drop certainly all tneir tenants. 'In the w o o d s y new subdivision where another associate and bis bride have been watching the robins îest- making in the back yard while they built thel r new home. aiother hiousel is goîng up next door. \Vill it fit as theirs does into the surrounidiuigs. stabilize the character of the neigh* borhood ? Or will it be freýakishi---t constant irradicable offense? Eec.d Prosdnt n/e apiiimal meefing .of the As- sociation of Mfastercraft Homne Builders, wcas held Tuesday, June 7. IrinA>.. R/e t. ,Of ilmlctte. tuas mix-up over the laundry tubs will start Pase more families on house hunting forays drop1 than the most appeàlingly illustrated Shore pamphlets. onev But even 'icutn this as a illustr source of business, there is no dou bt ing co that the - psychological effects wil1 *Tot afined to any s are better Sthe follow- ry 1 to June the n.w <homne amoig the roins'u. And more and more, too, in ouf sub- diyisions, voluntary agreements writ- ten into deeds are barring ouit archi-. tectural nionstrosities. providing reas- onable and needed architectural con- trot. Now New York's City. Club is supporting a proposed ainendment to the state constituiton which would establish a general,"reasoinable regu- lation and conitrol," fron it esthetic standpoint for buildings erected o;i occupying' its handsomne ne%% office in the -Merchandise Mart on the seventh floor, inxmiediately adjacent to the build- ing exhibit. Formed as a non-profit organization, the association ineets mionthly to ex- change views and experiences on bujld- ine a n aterals. ts urnose. is to sorely pressed ior, armunin. ru. the stock mnarket and, general business indices to go forward mnust be quite disconcerting to those editors whose genius lias .moved the obituary columuns to the front page. May they rest ini peace. For a long time, we have been threateniug to prômote a ."Who's Whon" in real estate. selectinoe the 29 62 58 52 286 residence permits, 1938: *$2,371,979 January 1 to ing emnmental. agencies for such may be .established" is listed I.