425 GROVE STREET 8 Rooms, 4 Baths Raymond Park Apartment Homes. "CEVANSTON'S MOST EXCLUSIVE" OFFERS A Û»PINED ATMOSPIIERE for discriminatiing people in a most desirable location - Every room over- looks Lake Michigan. A reai home with large, spacious rooms, library, wood- burnlngfireplace, abundant closet space. Ail the luxury of a private residencd. wthout the care. Garage and Elevatpr, attendants, handball court and recrea- tion roomn. 133LTN8-ltP 136 -WAN 1r'ÈD T1r o R EN-H0'UJ5E 9 WE HAVE CLIENT DESIRING TO rent unfurnished home on or near lake for period of a year or mnore. Require 4 master .be.drms., 3 or 4 baths, and over garage quarters for servants and chauffeur. Cali Mr. Starnes., THE 13ILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 136LTN8-ltc CLÊ~AN. COMFORTABLE BUNGALOW or smali home by rellable party. About July 15. In Wilmette or N. Evanston. Write A-38, Box 90, Wllmette, 111. 186LTN8-ltp lasý FqOt N"-AàRAUB NTH. 1 brick garage wjitheiauLu apt. Large, deep 1ot, fine trees. Priced. .at about one-haif for quick sale. McG UIRE &.ORR, mc.: 1.EXCLUS>IVE AGENTS 53o Davis St., Evans., Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 147LTN8-lte NEAR YACHT HIARBOR Owner wires us to cut the price on 9 roomn East Wilmette hbime to $14,750 for quick sale. 5 bed- roomis, 3 baths, 3 large porches, 2-car garage. Wooded lot 65x159. * Caîl Mr. J.enkins SHORETOWNS REALTY, CORP.. 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog.' Pk. 66361 147LTN8-Itc SA BARGAIN IN EAST KENILWORTH. TO THOSE .DISCRIMINATING FAM- illeswhose choice is least Kenlworth we offer a'tlxoroughly delightful,, modern hème on site 100x'175 for almost the valueý of, the land. Full particuÙlars fur- npished. S MART & GOLEE, In, .' Exclusive Agents 1564Shra Ave.,:Evanis. Wil. 2486 147LTN8-itc THINGS CONSIDERED A BARGAIN! EAST KENILWORTH- Location - Adjacent to lake, trans., schls., churches. Condition-A-i. Modernized coMpletely. Priceý-Astonishlngly 10w. 5 b'edrms.,, 3% baths, den, ohl. AI-go might refit. See COTeAfl: flTAT etPTAIT't lot, no% water I per mor 338 Ling ABL IUi., con. air, at.,a.. 65 U L. lot.. ______________________ 0PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH,. THAT'S OUR B3USINESS S. E. Win white brick andi calpboard, Clna TO KNOW VALUESl - TO KNOW 4' MASTEn BEI plan, 4 bedrrfl., 2% baths, open scr. what's offered-To advise you. There servants' room rmh., clo nd. ai , oh tt a.ree. are many buya and rentais now at heated pehs., bi rmcn.ar i tastonishingiy 10w prices. room, H. W. 01.1 b Sece Sunday-Open 2 to 6. WE ADVISE ACTION beau. landscaped ME ~ BILLS REALTY..TInc.. SEE o Tr F o ppin .olonial 21h BATHS, ýath, 2 large, room,. game gar., % acre Owner wants ALLTY 116 WiU1Oett Ave. Ph. Wilinette 4490 1160 i5lLTNE-4tP 5 RMS.