Six Weaks of Study la Munich Six zveeks of study and sojourn inz the pictitresqiiç city of Muniich and t/he surrotundiirg coutry of sou thern Germa» y. and a, tour. throiig/i Ho!Iand ings." The. golf teamu comPile trie. outstanding, record of ,any. of the teams with nine viciories out, of 10 matches. nfe tennis team compiled a note- worthy record, winning Il out of 14 matches. The swimiming team won ,6 and lost 1 ; the water polo te'amwon 3 and Iost 1; the basketball teamwon, 10 and lost 10 and the football tearu won 4 and lost 4. The complete record for the vear: Team Won Lost Golf......... .............. Swinmng ............ *...6 1 Tennis ................. il -WaW'- Polo.ý............ Basketball .. .1 10 Football .............. 4 4 Fencing ................ 4 7 Basebal............ ... 8 10 Wrestling -........ 3 7 Tr ck .. .. . .... .. .. 04 in1 travc More people aeinvestifig .mnonev. in, reéal estate today than might be e xpected, apparently to avoid rising. price trenids,. Mr.. Ar strong believes. The sales were wvell distribùted along the. north ,shore', Evaiston register- ingý the largest share, 29 saàles. W'il- Mette, .Winnetka, HighlandPrk Kenilworth anld Glcn Oak Acres ac- counted for 11, 9, 7, 4, and- 2 respec- tively, and the.rest1 were sold in-Chi-, cago, and, outlviing districts. Sonie of-the outstaniding: sales ni- cluded a. trade deal, for',two Evanston houses -valued, at $3M,500, plus a cash consideration., in exchange for 'the. equitv in a large apartmnent building ini Chicago;, a modern nine roomi house on NornianidN place sold by an owner %%hopu'c'ia>d a, lot inti 1nTre1ia1e vicinity whiere lie expects to build anoother, home: a vacant lot, on Pros- pect avenue accepted as part paynient on a two-apartmnent building. at 710 South Bon 'levard; two lots i nue Center accepted as part pavmneflt for a résidence locatC(1 in sotthwest v- auston : and four acres in the GIVI View real estate section sold for an ail cashi couisideration. westel courst cial p Followingt ;ermnany the 1 take Up and so- S' stay in travel in- to L~on- are br stocked as produ< the slow deiaiid years. "AlIl these imdi( tionally 2. Steel, omobile produc- ~and, 3. Depleted ks must be re- 3n increases f roui ýr the last several to re- us ii ing for iding, near foot of ýn by Ned Sha>ker 9ao'e1