U ZOIUECKflaagtennis, twa"iIg pool, canowing,. gol Attractiye social flic.- r May t OeaaClty-. 2 spécial Chicago Car@. North Shore Aldmaae Assn.. ýKeru CataoIi ýad VOWO-YP. 8. MaglU, LL.D, Box E , CIambersbuàrg, Pt ý-traIns for Character! Ages 10 to 20. Every boy taught bow. to study.' IndIvidual sceattention flot possible in publie schools-guaranteedW uceaS. FulIyAeereullted to, ail, Clleges. Modifled Milii- tary -ie potof buildags. New gyt at nian d imevia U.S. ol4. t8ry mile oof buihiago.s. New gymnasri aU S.iinRoul4. Cataiog: Col. J. W. Bittinger, The Commandant, Box W. Ouarga, III g atns. mL--- - ,art of with the baby. But those days are U. 4745 gone forever as 'more and mýore L p women, seem t edisicovering daily if the passenger lists of: Ameriican Airlines are any indication. -A recent survey maàde by Amneri- can Airlines' traffic representatives revealed that severat hundred babies under two years of age are car-, ried each year in the giant Douglas "Flagslhip" Club Planes. and Sky-, sleepers of the line.. Sonie of the. children, as w'as the case recently, are as ýoung as 14 days. The aver- ~ age age of these flying youngsters, howe ver, is six.to Il months with some of themn runoning up ito 15 and,20 months of age. the cholce of tne DOai and 50 maàny reasons decide that board- ing schools wili as- sist in, their spe- cific, cases, that f ew m p o rta n t g c n e r a 1 i z at ion s can be made. M 'os t, parents are , ite rested in finding a 'sichool that pr ovi de s may (f the ad - vantagesî of hoime with the kindly, expert and sym- pathetic supervi- Mar. sion andi with pWrents TE NNIS. B ôAT s C HOICE ROOMS '0 FAMILY BUNGALOWS ____________ om e-lik ON BEMENor even ON BEMENgirls. a Ann Snorf, daugh- Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf, It is avenue, sailed on the schools t Saturday for a two of indep brqad. She will return, aesthetic ance must have nlany of the ke qualities than are necessary desirable for older boYs. and kdependent luterests reasonable also to expect. to encourage the clevelopment endent interests: intellectual, or practical on the part of >nts. SPENO YOIIR VACATION AI This Ouisfandng Resort Loction ON GULL LAKE RA 1N ERD week for Skylii Wyo., for a 2-mo Ewan is now enit of r. ndyour chilcis experience in hîs previoUs son o r n school work. :newan, oft14 It may seem wise to you as parents. neta, eftlast to permit or even demand a change nch ini Moose, but at least you should .know the stay. Peggy Mc- advantages as well as the shortcom- a month's vaca- riding camp in ns of botb systems. Sport of Walking 18 Miss Alice Webl Drexel avenue, Hul as ber bouse gues Miss Louise We Mass., -Who is mak Iast week-end, ýo of Dailvers, g a trip, tothe, Lrjorie L"ar 11 (IBernie) I