A luncheon set that will add h and charin to :your tablé~. The briU- liant colora aire chosen se that 2 sets. of mlxed colors wlll harmonisé r ~ fectlY. one of each color-4, cupà and saucera, 4 luncheon plates, 4 bread- and:butter plates, 4 fruits.' In Red, BeGreen...Yellowý Mmso Available in' Openl'Stock Cups. and, saucers, pair. U Creamers. ..0 Sugars......U Vegetable dish - »é Piatter ........ L uNCIREON S ETS7 Melody, Patterla 1LUNCJJEON SET' embossed e d g e and 35 ansd 38 Piece Sets Serce for 8 41 Pc. Set Reg. $s.95 . .... $395 62 Pc. Set. Reg. $ ~ 9 9 5 . . . . . . $ 5 - % , . Open Stock Slightly Imperfect 39C 2 qt size In green, white' y e11 0W, bîie. BREAKFAST SETS Regularly $1.75 7 hitk Nam .......... Çovers extra 2S. I = Ili I lui illill 11111111 Il service for 6 Regsdorly $3.95 Lovely lunéheofl sets * speciallY prlced be- cause of a llnmited quantlty. Cholce Of 6 * lovely patterna te choose from. 9. Il