to serve coffee in the. lobby to the.arclIub. 'lut e eer Mvrs. i5ersie, Who was riving guests,. and additional. refresh-.i visiting in Wilrnette, lef t here Fr- -ment-will be provided at the 'tea table1 day night. which wilI be arranged for, between the1 first and the second nines. Mrs. Francis Urie li of Evanstni genleral chairman for the day, and serv- Move l'o Wilmefte igathtetalwileMr.Cr- Mr. and Mrs. M. S. George, for- ence N1. CahiWof Chicago, forrnlerlv of Wineka ad rs Ale Kmbl!ofmerly of. Milwaukee, are now:in their Chicago. Mrs.' Henry C. Kincaid is home at 715 Laurel avenue, Wilmette. ch olnenn Mr. George is associated with the general cairmn of the wmn' events for the tournarnent.IladSelc pny Kildeer club initiateci its new ~e ir dancing platform on Fourth of fuly night. Altbough the flooding of two of the four nines on the course, prevented Mrs. . L. Kibler. of. Baltimnore, the .holding ofal holiday golf evepts. IM,& the former NMildred MC- llog lections of f rocks that WiII keep you cool and looking cool! For stte et clathes leisure clothes ~ play clthes.. vacation clothes, be, sure' to visit our skops. Sportowear 704 Church Street Evanston il. Not in years have North Shore women known such perfectly Ourentire stock of shoes must be sold imfmediateIy to make room for our new nationaIIy famed shoes - eve,.ry shoe b.- Coiege Shop 714 Ghurch Stre