,il mIDIlDENS ANMD UPAIft FLAGSTONES Aiso atone corjalls,* rock gardons, etc. BRICK. C1ElNT WORK. TUdK- polntlng. Free expert a.dvice and estimates cheertuly given. M. HARTWELL WINNETCA 2104 21LTN46-c ROOFING - GUTTBRS Repairs and New 'Work GRÀ&DY BROS. Unlvërsitir 5562 or Davis 8446 For Free Estlmates .JOSE 1 KNEIP of these skilled workmen who.advertise on this page: THEsRVCEPAGE 8 PAINTING AND DEGUT>wirNe LOUIS SKOLNIK PAINTING & DECORATINO 15 yrs. experlence on North Shore Outside painting done, wlth pure ma- teniais. Best reconimendations. Carry comfpensation. Appreciate your call for any amnount of work. Wilmette .3509. 25LTN9-Itp DURKOOP 5 LAUNDRYt LAUNDRY To take home. Cail and deliver., * Wiimette 2130. 53LTN9-4tp LAUNDRY *TO TAXE AND DELIVER tet N. S. refera. Ph. Winnetka 859 63LTN6O-4tc * -~ 11L9-ltp PEKINGESE ALL COLORS, ALLAGES. REASON- able. Pensacola 7868. UýLTN9-4tpý LINDENHOF, KE~NNELS OFFER THE BEST ACCOMIODAL)- tions for your dog whlle YOiU Are away- on your. vacation. Large, beautiful grounds,- air conditiofled kennels;,private Inside 'and outslde run&. Onlyr healthy dogs accepted. Wm. Schaefer, Wau- kçeganRoad, GÏenvlew;. Ph. Glenrview 270.. 12LTlN9-4tp 44 INSTRUCTION TTRING IN FRENCH, ELEMEN- tary and advanced, for school, travel. conversation. Otiier tutoring on request. Groups or individual. Mrs. Tellis, Win- netka 823. 44LTNI-4tp GERMAN EXCHANGE STUDENT wlth tutoring experience wiIl coach in hilgh school, college orprofes1onaI nable [LINE REAM, B. M. for beginners and advanceds Studio 1214 Cherry St;, Winfl. 4( ML. i * 31LTN§-ltp- PLASTERING. . 4 OA D N S REPAIRS, STt7CCO AND CEMENTs Basement work. G. . Thursby, Wil: Petunias.. Potted Annuals ew' miette 3387. 21LTN9-4tp Cut Flowers . .. Rototilling 607' as-^ "OU£ INULAIN Garderie Iocaed 3 blocks south of Wil. ~ Alow Rd. on Skokie 1»lvd. 71LTN6-4te - W 4Ai BI Sat. 3S and way UPr StoraIge,1 A' j Krofl & ý-ltp Ux cher mork. anson Ave", ein- dale. n.