tigushd for their acadeiriiC recoo asweIl were giwen bonor societY tnembership. Cbildren whosc,, nes are mnarked with an asterisk ( corne from în netka bornes-«> RL Dianne Aubineau, TommY Babcockt ,Janje Beglen Barbara Jeanne Bad Joyce cînian*, Claire Collife, .Afrèd Davis, Barbara Dyer, Harriette GOOd- smith., Marion Gridiey, Arabella Ueb)er- ling, BeverleOy JorgeIiBOfl, Clella, Li- ferty, Bobby Novascofle, Margaret Nu- Veen, Thomias Bigler, Johnfly Robert- son:_Da.vid Rolkatle, AllaIi Roma. thbe event. Second and third run- iiers-up received red and. white nib- bonis. Vfillage green sponsored a stilt race as their feature attraction, of the third week of the opening of the play- grounds; wbile junior and senior boy's 1aseball and girî's kickball ticams startcd. sumnmer competitioti in initial garnesà playcd last wcck. Vatt-- nian- park were easy winners in the senior division but conccded the junior, events to village greeni. .A . Hep snd Chicks .. wbitehben and ber, brood of littie chicks, represcnting village 1 cgren, edgcd out a traïqFd_ Vattrnan Park rabbit to carry off first prîze movi the miscellaneous class at Noiseniakers, paper bats; costumes of every description will be worn, by children in ýa gala event wben Plans are comnpleted for one of the largest 1)arades ever attempted by the board,' to e el..on Friday, July 15, it was announced this week by Daniel M. Davis, director of Wilmettc recrea- tion, as. be named Frank M. Stordeur in charge of arrangements. "This is one of the, largest under- takings that the playground and rec-' reation board bas~ ever planned. stated Mr. Davis, "and the board wants every memnber of. the staff .10 give M. Stordeur ail the cooperationi necessary to mnake tbis project a suc-. Bagheera, john T. Snite ....3:06.56 iss B Fair -lVind, Wells A. LjpPlflCOtt ..3 :05.57 1ciasC B3etty Bro, Miltonl Friend... .S:64 Vss D (ýNo boatlfliieed before iundoWfl>, E n~ eesiSchONeSyawls, Ketehes Scarab, L. -and J. GÔldbýerg . 3:15.4 3 UnlverslN. fsud . d Cams Vagabond, E. A. Purtell.........4.2 UNFVJERSÂL D»IVISILO.N Liively >Lady.Otto Dreher....2.10 Pam, Fred E. Chandier. ...4:99 S-td T Clame (ýNo boat finished before sundowvn) Seaw5flhakftClass Nancy,%» Anthony Pfarr ......... 432.11 INVITATION STAR SERIES gundaSy Morlingi Rate Gale, Harry G. Nye ...... .1l:11.10 Sonday AfttelioOIiRace, Gale, Harry G. Nye ...... .28:2.56 VofldaY )iornling. G.ale, Harry G. Nye . .. NoTirne Chicajg6 Yachtclub Cliflch-Morse Ra.ce a c abbit il par et: r e d" v a t . Ar on over craft will by Tom parade at' as the urged to1 Up and pare thec ts. eu. as a big SCCSSVY"gtJ -J *, leaflor Davis, director of recreation. Al ny £)avis, e'ntries rcccived cat or dog food, it Lfl Egg'ert, *was announced. ng*, Jerry Winners ini tbe various classes ýorothy Li- ter Mars11, were: Tetun Aces Huertt Rotati is eligible to, enter, it Safara, flanso, Barnard . explained; and both 1Large Oto Dreeri ifl be dosed -on ta ftêr al program of hadi- Mantiitou, James Lowe Aé te wek oftheclmsi B Cruisers cdc he wek o theBaccarat, Louis Ainbinder. parks as directors are Clase c cruiers tbeir youngsters pre- ]Betty Bro, Milton Friend mes. No finis-h' clams D Cruiseers >d Pitshimg Local competition. was g - and fine filMing by Sam and Jean Pirie it garne bctween the Tmin Star; they placed sec ry nines as the weatb- Sunday rnorning Invitatiol itéA np tr me to be fag,-t..h . in the2ftu'rnoon irac ng urne; both imac Standings Won ~2 ýrPost......... et........... -... O an Leglon . O.. Lest .0 0 *..16 -46.49 18 :20.11 *..17 :47.Oi piut forth sailing the ..onld iii the u)ial series ; ce, and sec- Sheridan Shore Races at Sheridan Shore yacht club, hiel over the week-end, we re enjoyed by a large crowd, it' was re- ported; race results for Saturday and Sunday were nisplaced at the club) and therefore not available for pub- lication.- Results of Monday's race Runners .... Inn..........I ........ ................o. ,î dût, 1515 Lake aughter, Marilyn, it ten days ago all cattle town in spent the Wintcr. BROWN, Secretary. zona,