sumei at / o i tcIUI i IIursaay e vVIiIIg with the closing set for, 12 o'clock that nigbt. Devised espècially for the -enter-. tainment of the imaller 'people. but available also to everybody, Will be a variety of' carnival rides, including two f erris wheels, nierry-go-round, whirl-i-gig, chair-plane, whip, kiddie- car ride, pony rides, and numerous other attractions. Moeoh&nts Opeate Booth* Supplementing these wilI be scores of merchandise and novelty bootbs, offering a varlety of. useful as weli as novel ïwares. The bootbs wiIl be operated anC supervised by members of the Chamn- ber of Comumerce. The rides ivili. be Miss Margaret -MicKre ialker. daisghter of Mrs. Frapicis L. W alker,' 1315 W ntiçeo'od azvefflie Wilinette, tuas recently atzoarded thc Harriet Hale Wooiley, scholarshiP for painting. Ths, scholarship, tL'hich is awvarded by: the Justitutce of International IEducation, entities 4f isi Wlknbir iii tlu d i ntinin july 1 are now busy in a "moppilngý', up" eprogram. With the passing of; the waters,, silt-laden, vegétation, -baked .by *the sun,, thirew off an odor that bas.been almost' unbearabIe, but this ' too, 'is passing away,_ it ýwas revealed Tues-, day. iDr. H.- A. Orvis, Winnetka licalth officer, announced that despite vanr- ous rumhors he lhas found no cases of disease wbich could be attributed to the flood. Men who have been over the affected area, hie said, bave foulid very few.dead animais. The odor, lie said, bas corne mostly f rom vegetable, mfatter. R.pairing Breaks Robât L Anderson, superintelndent Saturday a"~ Si.nday Special BRICK 'J' cially bad, he said, but he expects to bave ail repairs maàde by the .end of the week. The-worst damage of this nature, it was explained, occurred neàr, Locust street and Mt. Pleasant road, ini the large intercepting sewer of the Chii- cago Sanitary district. The tennis courts at the Skokie McKeigban family, 661 Illinois road. Mr. Means is. secretary of the De- troit Typotbetae, an association of employing commercial printers. Cyril, Jr., now 19, was a member of the 1938 graduating class of Harvard uni- Versity.ý 2. ***. iaric in* a "Lober lagner sandfew days ml- tne neavy ýed by the would be e extent of tne damage. Reauni. Work E. J. Lundin, principal project su- erintendent of the Skokie Lagooias, timated -that it wiIl be from 30 to- )days before work can be resurned ii the river widening prograni fromn Azet.s penv.Ssn wave wIII *n6,n.. youu beawty whlI. y.w romp $hiough IIiui a- madeor of the saouear. JR .,WIU*UYTI C@NPEcTIONEBT Jth