'En"oy dheoutdoora tht. suzmer thicwir où' giasses ihact birng you the colouu of, thé beach h. roud the gol cours» in their nàturol. brlght. ton«s vithout *d» r çr oa. The bright xlue oi, Arlit. ortioexflY gro4 Ispas. ers out the çglai. rcfy. y.:transmtt moet ofth s.ing'* fl yDmessary f0 g.d visin. Stop in at one 01 Our stores t0 t<>y<alp4&8cizulite SUD Gkisses and see lor yourself hou trtly 1. oplq d eScent mue e. Slipon style, 83.00. biw uite. brown or natural frames from 83.50. Other sun glasses- from $2 A suri SeLasses aise roc.,uss.ded lem mmemm NAVENUF. EVANSTON nemseWABAMN AVE. las OUtoilLA SALLE av. lB0EAU? IACUIseNULVP. Second Class-Wallace Bell mette, Gordon Dixon, Winne tký don Stowe, Winnetka; Jerry Winnetka. N Flrlit Clas-BiII Schmick, Star-Philýil Tuttle, Glengrçe- Lite-RusslliFouet, Jr., Glen( EFagle--BiII Kahmn, Glencoe. Eugefle BttIg, Glencoe.* -1.111 Badges From WiImette - J3ud Davi ming; Warren Hill, gwtrming; Kennedy, canoelng, rOwing, Pic nietaleiaft; Gordon McN.amnee tpng; Bob maeser, rowing, basketry; Bill Schmlck, wOoC Imetalwork, woodwork Bill swimmlng, Bob Steitz, P19 Imetaiwork. swimMing, cookiil ward , Wèjgle, ploneering,, canoeing; George. We$tcott, pig metalwork, Bob Williames 8 metalcrift, pioneering, cookili zz-tm d_ ,I,în _ ifleerinig îyek ;a; (Gor- Volnly, coe. ]Ever.ett oneerIflg, , #h- .rlsed lu Mey Icarvinif, Stra fernoon, MayŽ. Steit, 3 s V riia Ai'e 01 JVi W tt [oneeriing, àg; Bd- and Wilbujr -o ffnan of Chaicago, camnping, were rnarried at St. Joseph's Par- lonerlng, ish House with a reception for wimm1flg, Ig;- John about Çix'v friends. ajid relatives Robert foIlou'ipg at the hoine of the brides health; parents, Mr. ad Mr. lWilliaii -d studY, Aze of 1030 Illinsois road. Fllow- Brigliam, ing a short miotor trip. Mr. and te tu4woM&. AM #t Rofm au are, Jù ho e ij Cli- eanoeing, ago. A lbay Park Studio Photo tRigler, se,' Wood- Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Nelson and ~ n~a1-their son, Pete, and Mrs. David Nel- canoeîng, oneering, son of Wilmette returned this w-eek ft, wood- from a western trip. Mr. NeIson met îad b een to Yellowstone ade the return trip home stopping at Sait 1Lake, Cheyenne, and other Rselbasebalgame4 asketrY, went to Ohio dy ilto California camp- metal- weeks. iwietert, Watérsl'nu 1. Their so, Bil, -who with theni, is imotoring to be there for five Mrs. M. W. Drynan, 727 Park ave- nie, and ber two chiidren4 lthei and' lien, returned last week froni a rip to Minnesota, Nebraska, and' CRU NLIAF 33 55, I I Don