S.. Miguet d* Aussi. A ilew sulume r school of art, housed in the renodeled rompent of Las Mon jasi Me*xico,' most historic town, Sait Miguel de Allende, began this inonthi with students co mïig front Chicago and other cities to enjoy unique sttio//opprtunitwés and unrîvalled surroundings. Mexico's most famous painters, Green Bay road, Glencoe, returned. Diego Rivera, Carlos Merida, Rufino Thursday evening last week from a Tamayo, Orozoco Romera. and others motor trip to Canada, havirnoe flC+bf senti in lie CâmberIgd YaIfy, à*alleti.sorti ai Diei YOUNG VOMEN. Both "accaediteid.» Transfer wfthout oza"luadorne t& weftern. or other uversulile..Collage Boards.' bel at mehool. Musi.. Art., me Design, lIn. Dec., Serara, Dranatice, Phys. Kil.lFireproof. Comniec beck wding, tennis, awlunnlng pool, canoeing, golf. *Anraeîlv. modal hif.. ai, Oea (lty. 2i apeclalChiago caus. North Shore AMuiau. Au..9 <Jtalo, alad Yews-F. . M*glil. L4»« Box B. Ehram huuurg for Charmeteril 6th girade school. Indîvidual, attention- ry boy taught howv to study. leges. Modlfted'.Mlltary. 74th Luss:o dl: omar, a <iistiguishe painter anid art critic. from Peri Courses ini portrait, landscape, an mural painting, wa.er colors, woo carving, and ceramics, as well as ai history are being offered. Among the activities that may b enjoyed ini San Miguel are bathinr i the famous hot bath s.the. cwim rich in history as San Miguel (it was founded in 1554) should have remaineci hidden ail these years. Perhaps be- cause it lies on the mouritainside about a mile back from the railroad,' few have visited it in the past. But now with the opening of the Centro De Estudios' Art school, lôvers. of picturesque and historie places are sojourning to San Miguel. mýe- - u;ndred d ollars a month- Modem bi s south of g: Col. J.'1