hundred insured patients have been admitted to the Evanston and St. Ferancis hospitals since the Plan or-ý ganized in january, 1937. An 'esti- mbated total in excess of $16,OOO'has been paid ' to' the liospitals for the care of thes'e patients, the report said. Expafi Grè*t Savings The -greater part -of this amount was paidb4 the Plan for Hospital Care. However, hospital officiaIs ex- plainied that some of the money was paid by patients thensielves to. cover the cost.of services or accomodations not, included in the insurance con- tracts. 1I..was pointed, out that for payinents amounting to aporoximate- Trier, Wi'nnetka, 'and lencoe, and al number of banks, stores, offces, ànd i other. commercial organizations. * Two Ilospitals Co-operate Both the St. Francis, and Evan s- ton hospitals have been members of the Plan's hospital group since its or- ganization. The Rev. John W. Bar- riett, director of Catholic hospitals for the Archdiocese of Chicago, is secretary of the Plan, and Robert -T Sherman, of Winnetka, president of the Evanston hospital association,' is a member of the Plan's board of di- rectors. Similar non-profit insurance plans Wn forty ôther chties throuzfhuuh. k ie,-one ia ' ysUi.vIcare must pavi the additional chiarges them-elynq* ' More than three thousand North' Shore residents are now enrolled as. members or dependents in the Plan, the report sai.d. Menibersliins ar' accepted only on ~a group bisis, usu- Honor Swedirnh Prnce andi prints, with the co-operation of thê?-Chicago New Swedish Tercei- teuiary committee. The exhibition will be opened by Gésta Oldenburg, Consul for Sweden. ns11w akonza ini THESE LOCAL