tee at North Shore Country ciuD has been- appoirited,' and its members are now occupied with plans for the regiilar weeklyý- 18-holéî events which occur each Thursday morning, with lunch- eofi and swimming following. miss Peggy' Scott of.. 825 Forest ave nue,. Wihuette, is chiairmnan,, '.witb Mi ss BeverlyBechstein of Evanston, vice-chairman and chairmn ô t p rizes. On their conmniittee are Miss Steverly Workman and Miss Ethel Singraber. Miss CharlotteJoso of Evans- ton, chairman of reception, has 2s sumimer. party ofthte ±'ýrti Shore Congregation Israel sis- terhood, arie *underý way, and a programn funusuai interesthas been-planned by the coninittee ini charge. -The event is. ,lnu1ob- servance of National Sisterhood day and will take place >at the temple in. Glencoe at 2:-30, -Miss Maxine Stet soit of the Thresh- oid Players will rea d a current play. A' drama readinig byMiss Stetson promises aý real treat to those who have witnesse'd ber remarkable ability. Miss Stetson bas, the capacity to, -jir dprgh-t-elfitnthe various roles ber, whose horne is ;chairman of lhandi- lice White of Evans- of putting events. chairman of events uv is 2assisted by a *(raws th~e final curtain i er a ce c feels that it has seen the drama en- acted on a stage. The second* haif of the porgram will be a musicale. Thé artist will be NES Marjorie Mayer, a young Chi- cago vocalist who shows remarkable ability in ber work. Selected by Mary Garden as the outstanding young artiof tn<Thv.Miss Mayer at20 vears invitational day.w Commencing Saturday,. the' bridge Ai chairnian, Mrs. D. B. Earhart of soi Winnetka and her vice-chairman, ju, Mrs. Wayne Bellows of Evanston, W4 and ber committee, have arranged. sl to have Mrs. Maxine Minor give a plýace.ot uhebeague- insd, Maine. Ly;Mfei lowing program, .accomfpanilead y Madame Zerine Muhilman-Metzger. Von Ewiger Liebe ........... Brahms Feldeinsamkeit .............. Brams Der Schinied ..................lBrahmis Vergebliches Staendchen.. ....Brahms Hai Lulit..................... Coequard Serenade................. Carpenter .ýln 'ouvre. coeur a ta Voix............ Saint-Saens W ILM BTT E. LlFEI cap, an ton is