j Division chairuxien for the Chi- cago Plant, Flower, and Fruit. gIld, which as. held - at the' borne of Mrs. R. J. Pab odie' in M a y Woo-ôd, ways >and rneans were 'djs c us s ed to interest friends of garden club. members in. contributing flowers, plants, fruits, and jellies. Among those present were Mrs. George Plamondon, president of the Garden Club of lïinois, a»d Mrs._ M . ller, 322 Greenleafavnue, Wilmétte, -Divisiýon chairnian fo r Ev- anston,ý Wilmnette, Kenilworth, and %Vinnetka. days. '.>rerwiecn be at the depot of the railroad before 9 o', morning., *The guild chairmeni NWýilmette-Mrs. J. NNVasintton avenue; 400 Park avenue. itributions must SNorth Western d'cock Tuesday are as follows: C. Leaton, 722 mette preserited its July r- ti -gram at .a meeting in the Wil-ý mette Woman's: club. The feature of the progtarn was-a. lecture by Alfred Carl Hottes, a sso- ciate editor of the magazine, "Better Homes and Gardens.'" Mr. Hottes is the author of a nuniber of popular garden books which, with his lec- tures, have made him a national. charàcter in garden circles and much sought after as a speaker beforeý clubs. audience, foi Deratuüre wbh rgot the evening's temi- dle- it. laughbed ,with M. Iovely poems. ding the lectur ien by Lindsa >readings Id whom sent as a who has illustrator avenue. ris served by o Gommon, d Neigbbor- n University ýunitY House. iociatioli sta- nt and. Day An l stri>s of lier marri t1ile vei roses, is tue utake Mrs. iCh~arles jD. miweri, the. evening.-W. C. G. WILMIETTE LIFE I 1 Lair< 40