oif these, skilled worknen whoi Also etone for wall8, rock gardene,- etc. BRICK, CEMENT WORnc, TUCXC- polntlng. Pree,expert advlce and estimates cheerfully given. H. HARTWELL WINNETKA.24 21LTN46-tfc ROOFING - .GUTTEn~s Repairs anld New, Work GRADY ,BROS. Unlverelty..5562 or Davis 8446 For Free Esthrnates; 21LTN7-4tp> Modernize Your. Kitchen Bulld a cabinet under your slnk. Cases, Fencing,, Roofs, -Paintlng, Sandinig. Nor Shor*Building Service. Kenil. 6511, 21LTN1-ltp JOSEPH KNEIP, on this page: THE SERVICE PAGE -. - -- - - -- - - --I as PAINTINO ANPDEoORAmTING Paint Your flHouse Now- WE SPECIALIZE IN O U T S 1 D E painting onily, that's why we can fu'- nish the lowest possible rate. Al;o shingie stainlng. Winnetka 58-or eves., Réesidence phone Highland Park 2851. 25LTN1-ltp Painting and Decorating. 'NE IOR AND EXTERIOR Reasonable Winnetka 3669 53-AWASHINQ MACHINX &sSERVICE The spot light of "Easy" washers.. . ith Turboilator washing action is now on the irarket for, only $49.95. North Shore Eas.y Shop 907 Lindjen Ave., I-nb. Wds. Winn. 908 53A-LTNIO-ltc, *0 PIA NO TUP41NO PIANO TUNING, AND REPAIRINcO. 1 . Ail Work Guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie Willtette 822 TUNER, WILMETTE PUIB. SCHOOLS 45RECREATION SCHOOLS BEYE & BEYE CAMP' ýMarcellus, Michian ,- Bo3ys 56 to 15-ail outdoor ýsports. $40 per month, Juiy. 1 to Sep>t. 15. For informnation.write Mary Beye, Reglstrar., 48LTN9-4tp CHILDREN BOARDED Day .and night care by experienced *ý mother. 1)aily, weekiyor mionthly_ rates. Country atmosphere. WiI., 839. 5OA-LTN1-ltp ne MUSICAL INB1UUMENTS WE HAVE 3 GRAND. PIANIOS, 1 Steinway upr., 1 SpInet, whieh wil be sold this week. Storage Mart, Iredale Storage, 1723 Benson Ave., Evanston. 59LTN1-ltp ________607 fl1EL143< 40 FLOWERG SWEET PEAS . . GLADIOLUS Snapdrgos ... and othier cut fiowe 25e a bunch. At 1097 Ash street Gard! 1 *To Sliýnature -Auto -Furniture COMPARE'OUR RATE AND SAVE Consumers Credit Corp. 845 Chicago Ave. Gre. 8220 Opp. Main St. 'IL" Station, Evanston 85LrN9-tfc 87 REAL ESTATE LOANS -. -)ST LJ. S . .L stone surro -ciasp. Lost1 iast week. * 1 deliver. 1AI C 53L1'N9-4tp able. I Mc Ë-1 Over 45 LREASON- 530 Davis l1LTNO.4tpj îFUL iôney. ment. Ecoat. e for &* I *5 'ON4BCO. 3870 .TN1-4tp vice . 228 D-ltc