photographs, colored'plates by ýweIl-~ known Canadian artists and smootb- ly written, inviting copy. So many spots becko.n -so 'many -wilderness roads challenge the imagination-so many national- playgrounds send forth their inivfttion-tbat it ishard to choose between them. The bookiet willbe foôrwarded, free of 'charge, to ýanyone asking- for it. HOUSEGUEST Miss Lois Mitchell of 1707 Lake avenue had as ber bouse guest for several days Miss, Ann Rudow of Menominee, Wis. Miss Rudo, wbo ar- riveci Thursday of last week, left Tuesday evening of this week. IN THE- Dfi LIGHTIFUU.Y * Girl Scouts Go Oûtdôor activities of the Wilinette Girl Scouts are shozue in the group >of pictures above. At the top, the foreground girls are engaged in bandicraft work wbile those in the background are engaged in the Brownie story hour. Middle row, kiet, are Ann Boyd, 'and Nancy MacSweeney of Northbrook, and Nancy Shearon, Peggy Chapin, Doris McKeighan, Louise Branscome, and Patricia Nelson, ail of Tot Camp nes cotrncil camp, Il$ at Rice Lake, çis"'