to eitner the. Chicago Symphuony orcheés- tra which he wiIl direct, or to Ravlnia audiencés., During A Cenitu*y of Progress in 1933-34 lue conducted the orchestra'in a series of concerts at the Swift Bridge, and guest conductor the first season of tbe; Ra- vinia Festival i1936. A Hollander by -birth, Mr. van Hoogstraten bas a truly international reputation, fiaving conducted the major orchest ras of Europe and America. This spring comple ted his thirteenth season as a Iconductor..of the Portland Sym- PhonY. orchestra, and' following his- en-, gagemnent at Ravinia, he wil enter upon bis'eighteenth consecutive season at the'Lewisohn stadium in New York He is credited with being largely re- sponisible for the stuccess of the Phil- harmnonic stadium summer concerts. ýDtîifg th slrlSr- e VHlljjj atto, a pear as guest at the Robin Hood Del t and the Washington (D.C.) synipholny ,conlcerts. Guest Artist guest artist o11 .Apr Vaix be -NI duct Ii ident.l the1 wil tro- was sof Teat ' UJperatïc concert. whîch openied Iast &1ights of season. * leagne. and Featured on MIr. Van Hoogstraten's ý lLette cou",( prugrains is the first performance of In the e%,( Arnie Oldberg's "Fantasia," commis- and pri«zes sioied work hy the Festival associa- grand prize; tion. NIr. Oldberg is the distinguisbed, tributed at professor of composition at the North- il o'*clock. ,western university School of Music. mani is Geor, MaOria 0harn.lee i wo *rld'renioupted Iciior oaithe Met ropolitan and Chicag0 OPera cornPalies, vil be gzîest soloist with the Chicago S3yimPho;ty orchestra at the Ravitlia Festiv'al Thiersday, of Mhis t'eek. Ouimette to Hold Coancil nauuixoticer, 12arl Moon; 1sergeant-at- arms, George Hicks;ý directors, John Boddie and joseph Hinàhaw;- buildinýg fund, Hl. L . Flentye, Jr., and Victor Hfill;, delegate to Cook county council, George 1Scherzer;,.alternate, Joseph H4emnenl; and delegate to àevnt'ds-ý. trict, Howard Dusbmnan; aglternate, Frederick -Kfdd. This' year's nominating com mittee niembeus were:. George' Sclerzeri George:Leal, and VictorHi. 1The selection will be held on the first Mfonday un August. ý The meeting consisted of a piinic dinerfolowe byganes and races. The basébaËîl gamne between the navy I and >army men Was called beaseie navv me~n w'.- - .1tianuli cnic at Meiers picnic 1 dU aiItwas reportecl. grove on Lake avenue at the Northu Shore Skokie valley line ini Glenview Law Partners Make Big metsteRde veue Wl Catch; Feed Multitude As ini former years the .afternoon Bertrani W. Coltman of Kenil- program wdvil be filled with a bail worth and Albert F. Mecklenburger gaine for bovs between 9 and 15 years of Winnetka didn't have to make big of age, races for ail children attend- ones. of littie mnes wben they nek- r thxe of the e close >wiil be games dults with' theÈ day being dis- of the day at s picnic chair- ner, 1716 High-i eral censUs of 1930,- it waà reveled this weeki. Statistics prepared .by George-E 1,eil, 1719 Walnut avenue, 'wlo ré- centy maeàacOmàPlete censi O f the 'Wilmette school district on behalf of the board Of education, show tluat thert are 15,693 persons residing in: the district. The federal census cf., egtyars ago gave Wilmette a pouatioýn'of 15»23. WMile it was pointed out that the school, district boundaries and the village limits do not entirely coin- cide, it was added that the figures bad been cbecked at thé Village hall and tbat the Portions of the munici- pafity ýnot inu the school district are thinly-settled and .are onffsmet * a 1 he women a great exteni ,He counted î Ihon n addition to 3,511 single family ies in the village, .Mr. Leal also ýorted 128 .two-family homes, 16 ee-familv dwellings, and 25 build-, shousing four or more fanuilies. re was 'no indication ini the re- rèsot ad te lrge mukiewas At the present tiuue. the village scrved at -a luncheon given by Mr. itself is just starting worlc on a long- MNecklenburger for ail the mtembers contemplated land-use survey of the of the office staff. The twenty-three community as .a preliuuunary to a pounder ivas the piece de resistance study of the zoning ordinances. At at a dinner party given in the Colt- the Village hall it was indicated that man home. such revision of the school census They expect to return before the figures night be available in about. enud of the summer to fish for a 60- two inonths. Pound "musky" reported to b. in-the, A sumniary of the report follows: COUi family wil l. Note: Economy Shop le conducted I ýer, Herbert IlbY the Wornan's club for philan- I thropie purposes. I «& ALj-m. vyAAii te i in the. schooi of cornu western universitY. be witl L. Jr., « and s wif e. :e at wornein and