NA ,&CAZELIS Mosquito RepeII.nt 25c - 45c Guaranteed t. keer> them au'ay JJFir:t Aid Kits .50oc- Be Prepared FIRST CHU IIYDILOX IGB CREAM 2-LAYER BRICK Fresh Strawberry Sherbetlb.- tween Fresh Peach and French Vanilla A Icp Cream ....qt. .9Rc PACKAGE New York tee Cream with Chrrîes -. . .pt. 22c OF CHRIST, tduch Ad. About NoIhIng Thtis picture wlas taken on, Montda at Washington -Park, i, Willt.ct, follotutgij stories imi *a Chicago IncwspaiPeThl U watroflocal beaches iwas beg"copitainatcd" by dredgi q, HWilmetec harbor caue ydegi BlNe- I SN H M Foreground shows pipe leadingef rom. the harbor to the special s:poil area .brugh wbich satid and mud are being' pumped, and truck used ýfor dumping large quantities of chiorine into the. sludge. At the right is the new "made land" fornied frorn the dredgings. Staff photo. Christian Science "Life" was the subject of the les- Ison-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, jScientist, on Sunday, July 17. Th T1t o.glren text was .'"As the Frederick Rye Munroe and 'Robert. Brower Mulroe. twin' sons botrn to Mr.' and Mrs. Brower M.\unroe of Kenilworth June 1. are ilow %vith their parents at their home at 724 Maclean avenue, after their stay In the hospital. Mr. and. Mrs. \V. E. Duinn, 225 Dupee place, Wilmette, have just returned fromi an eighit and a lialf week motor trip to Denver, Los An~geles, Sani Francisco, Seattle and M inneapolis. Thev drove via Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Painted Dsert, Lake Tahoe. and home by wav of Glacier Park. -0- Sunday School Exerises-9:45 a.m. JULY 24, 1938 Subject: "TRUTH" Fie command- d bis statue s, this day for 13ý). - -' son, tFr nor and Most of eva. n, and .uaugtLiter, ,-Jean, are spend- summer at Lake Il ~i i miiiri~~52 WiImett. IIULLII~nERY Avenue DEEINO LE DRO*GIST$ IDOS AV. PIIARMACY 5N1h1 CAZELDR ëCb 901 Ridge Rdt. Wtt. 316 1167 Wilmeff. Ave. WiI. 400 PA TRONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS