'fo be sure, that is flot exactly tlie language the>. President employs or .would empfloy in making the distinc- tion between tbose who have bis, per-, sonal blessing and. those who are witbout it. He would flot say in sIo many words that. he is personally campaigning for New Dealers who are runiiing, in the Democratic pri- maries' against reguflar Democrats. He 'hardly could be. expected to use that termninology in making the c lassi- ficaiQon because 'he and his, 100 per cent supporters operate- under the Demoiôcraic party.label.. Party Repudaatéd But, if seems to me, it is the most accurate termitiology that could bc, used. It is a fact, clearly belond dis- wise reyond dispute, tnat the Ad- - ministration bas repudiated everv majorarticle of faitb of the historic1 Demiocratic party. The Administra- tion bas, for instance, adopted. tbe tbeory of a strong centralized gov- ernment at Washington, whereas since the tirne of Jefferson the Dem- ocratic party has adbered to thet philosopbv of "state rights."F is campaigning for N'ew > Tbere is a very clear distinct tween, tbe two, even thougl bc the same party label. i ce- bear Not Uberal vs. Çonservabive Perbaps there are some who %vilI contend. that the ýdistinction is to be made v 1use tof thep té-rjn'inoloLv "i isn't thie ieermining criteria for per- sona.l assistance from the Presidlent in, the primary election. Rather' itý is whether one bas-been a "Yes-man" or a " iyes-buter.", Ifone bas been and w Mn lela-ll be a e"yes,-ma," alabl rub- ber stamp," he, thereby, qualifies as a New Dealer and tbereby receives the President's personial assistance in bis campaigri. If, on,,tbe oth9r band, one has been4 a "yes--buter" on certain legisiation, lie nay qu alify as a De m- ocrat of many years standing but lie lias White flouse opposit ion. The, President has made that clear. We 'are thus witnessing a struggle, for control of tbc Democratic party. It is a struggle between New Deal "yes-men,". on the one hand, and con- possible to adopt the particular meth- od he proposes in reacbing that oh- jectiveý. Wanted-"ýYes- Men" This is tbe underlying question now being decided i ensuing elec- tions. If the American people still ;n mir -,,rpm f crxrrntýiAn DOOiR COUNT MAS EVERýVTHING SIf it's sheer beauty you're searching for-!if i's the. finest vacation home cooking you've tasted in years-if it's congenial surroundings and dance and. concert music in he evenings--thieù,n ie to: the Anderson Hotel at Ephraim.. Nestled î*4he ----- ~ foothilis overlooicing Gremn rooms 1andi without bath. Innerspring miat out. Send for llterature. N\%IVURETT M. - Vf Ephiralmu Wl Chicago Office, 333 N. Sne asure obje ctio nable. No one kno.ws 'what the Adminis- tration may -recommend for enact- mient at the next Congress. 1 can- niot believe that the. American people are willing to give their approval to anytbing the Administration proposes . ven *efore thp e nw whatis Dk ro-. CAMP (7 t. 17 y..rs) Begins August 7 snwood Ave., GIenco-GI.ncoe 929 .m. to 12 noon in JuIy and August SCHOOL ARRANGED 4251 Irving fPark li 31 North Shore Boyj ,s are Nom, Enjoyaag, "Cole 1 on LIinga Camtp