,Nation~al conve ntion, election of offi cers, entertainment of visiing delegates are: among the major interests of members of T heta'Sigm a'Phi.in the Chi- cago area., The Tenth biennial convention will b>e held in Los Angeles at the Hotel' Biltmore, August 18-20. and those going frein the Chicago area will be, Lucy Rogers Hawkins, of Chicago, editor of The Matrix for Theta Sig-, ma Phi, feature writer, and lecturer at the- Medili School of JcîurnaIism of Northwestern ý university; Eliz- abeth Hinckle Dunn, of Chicago, presidcent of the Chicago' Alurnnae at Southern Resort Several North Shore women recentlv attended, the, thirtv- thbird 1biennial, convention bf Kappa Kappa Gamrna sororitv wvhich -,as held' at the Horne- stead, La resort at Hot Springs, 'Va. The convention. which, was held in the South, for îthe first time, took place-the first week in July. M\iýss Julianina Holme:s, daughter of -Mr. and M-\rs. Henrv., B. Vanzwoll,. represented the North-Shore Alumnae associ a- tion 'of Northwest rn.tuiversity.. This* is hier second term' as Alumffnae presidenit. g president ofthte IÂi- ;Elza Doegey of Chi- ai ~of the 'Michigan chap- 's corning to M ilwaukee, Columbus, Chicago f rom Detroit, In- and eastern Anna Mae Daly i tnai a4drs, WNJJD script writer, wilI be chairman of arrangements, assisted by Betty Behi, Margaret Brady Coughlin, the Carolyn Price of the Womnan's Home Cornpanion, and 'Mary Kinavy 'Moore of Winnetka, former national presi- dent and book editor of The Matrix. dent1 of the FlJouse Bsoard association during the past ùtwo years. Mrs. Whitniey is finance advisor, and 'Mrs. Cecil is chairman of standards for the coming year. The active chapter sent rjr Mercer, chapter president for the, next vea.r, as its -'ctive delegate. and Mary Lou Hardy wvas sent as alteru- ate. Grace Noce, who has writtenl music 'for WA-'MU shows, and Follozcirng à twco cek' zwcddli.q trip to the Black His. .Mr. and -fr.. Roger Willianis Rudlong have retî*rned to the Xort'h Shore. For lier zweddingJ the former Miss Eleanor Rockakllozt cf t Wimttc uorc a îchite satin dress. made with a vi.ery high ziaistline holding in place the folds of tfull , gatJaered bodice. Her fin gertip length zcl.tith a short blaash -.- il over the. face,.was kel in place by a braidcd halo. The Sbride is t/he daiglitr of MIr. and Mfrs. Edward C. Rocka.fello-,. Photo by J. D .Toloff. Nellie Lee Hoit Bok, a mwell-known, Philadeiphià educator and peace leader, spoke at the opening session on Saturday moriling. Also at this session wvas a speciai welcorne to deans of women from other soi:orities. A rnemorial service for ail Kappas 'who have passed iway, was. hield Sun- da'y morning.. Business sessions on July 4 were climaxed by a fire-works àiqnlv tthe ~Cascades. , cAVUIve SecI- curi 1: IWILMETrTE LIFIE cago, nois