WVhite gladioli. white lark- spur, and white daisies arrang- ed ini large bouqùuets,, wîth East-, èer hues predominating, cm vose-d fthe lovely setting at, the First Presbyterian church of Wilmette for the wedding of Miss Katherine Ehlis,,daughter of Mr. and Mrs..William 1-H. El- lis, 823 Greenwoôdavenue, aiîd Stuart A. Ludlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ludlow of Evanston, last 'Saturday eve- ning, July 16. The 'cerenîony. took place at 8:30 o'clock, the Rev. James Venekiasen officiaI- Green and White Green and -white ývas the mio- tif of the -wedding JuIv 19 of M\iss Mary Ellen Boozer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mjrs. ,RalphBoôoz- er. of 530- Essex road. Ienil- .worth, and John Weslev. Cullel. Jfr., son of Mr,. and Mrs. John Wesle > Cullen, 1226 Ashland aveniue, Wilmefte., The Rev. John G. . Iindley. officiated ait the 'ceremnonv Tuesdav even ing at 8:30 at the Winnetka Congre- gational church, and -a reception -follomwed at theNotbSho re Cotuntry club. White'gladioli, white phio.,pý ra- nids of iv>', and ivv.'.iines.decorated the chuirch, and g-arden flowvers forrn- cd the setting for. the club reception. '-Palmgw and fetns \ -er h bacl,,rtiitd for the receiving ie.. Miss Boozer's gown ii as of \Nhiite lace;' made.1in princess style -wIth long pointed sIee-~es and a long train. Her -tulle veil Nvas short, trinimed at the back with orange blossoms, and fashioned -,vith a pleated peak at the front. White orchids and liles of the valley made up the bride's bouquet. * The white and green color schierne was carried out by the niaid of honior: type oonwer lini u1zLVInULarrange-ç mnents were iised as decorations ac the reception which followed the wedding at the Georgian hotel ini Evanston. Miss Ellis wore a gown of ii-ory slipper satin. withi a long train, and lier- tulle v. onsnistinzofM tlree tiers of pink tulle andi lace, as ditheC bridesmaids, and à small pink bat with a short veil. Her colonial bou- quet had blue cornflowers and pinl, roses in the center and dark bine delphinium around the edge. The, bridesrnaids, 'Miss Dorcas Tuttle of. -Wil1mette, and 'Miss Frances and tri> ,to Long Lake, Wi.ç. Tite bride zvore a zv princess mode .tith a train, a V neck, and Iopi tuas held to her hair with a band of oran~ge Thei Drake. ress of crcam lace of slceves. Her net veil. s. Phioto bY DifBois- Girl cago, wno nau iuui-skirtedwhite or- gandie gowns trimmed in lace, broad- lrimmed white picture hats with vel- vet chinstraps, aInd whi.te lace gloves, They carried bouquets of m-hte asters outhined ini green ivy. 'Mrs. George Hjofmiester of Glenview, the matron. Of honor, w-as attired in similar fa- shion. The imother of the bride -%ore a Mlue lace gown and a corsage of y e unisý enrig of WILMeTTE LIFÉ -t -- t k i. 36 tioneci. E'---J Llc n season. to attend. the va- aré ïn-