The ceremony took place at 7:30 o'clock, the Rev. Gordon Swartz of -Chicago officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Kolihas are now atý home on the south. side of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. G7,lenn O Sensiba, 77Cumings avenue, Keniilwor-th,. and their children, Virginia and Con- nie, returned Suniday night from a Visi t to their summer home at Sen- siba, Island, near Ontario,, Canada. The -family. spent two and a haîf weeks.there.4 I AIRCON] Mrs. Hiarold Jenington, Mrs. Fred Bischoff, Mrs. J. L. FrazieIr, Mis. C. Ernest Guyton, Mrs. John'O. Hana- walt, M.*, Claude B'. Schneible, Mrs. Laurence W. -Scott, Mrs . Floyd E. Thompson, Mrs. Dean LWke Traxier, Mrs. Percy H. Myers, Mrs. Wendeil C. Perry, Mrs. Ray Garrett, Mrs. Tracy H. Kay, Mrs. Charles L. John- son, Mrs. HaroldE. Hayward, ail of Evanston, and Mrs.-.Cal-L Charles and Mrs. Raymond J. Darby of Win-, netka. The committee, will c ontinue to sew. for, Carr Creek Settiement schooL at Carr .Creek, Ky. DITIONED i Qur Swe atrSi In appreciation of the. patronage you have. given us during this year since our College S/zop opened, 714 Ghurch St. Oven-Smnot 938 Dimmer. 75c Jellied Consomme Fra.ppe Fruit Jutée Pineapple Julce Ribs of Beef Chlcken Baked in Cream Sirloin Steak uc ýster, Drawn ButterSac Evanston Week- Day DPmners,,75c, e e e Luuicheons, -50c' Whole Ton lion and LL~ 1