-'~ ~ L _____ Sturgeon Biay,. Wis., as th-e, guests of Mrs. William A. Whittier of,-353 Sterling roýad, .Keiilworth. 'Nir s. Whîttier, w ho i s Miss Peacock's auit, hias a summer home at Sturgeon Bay. Miss Peacoc.k's parents, Mi. and Mrs.. W. G. Peacock, are spending- a fort- Evansiop Office 1571. Sherman Ave. ,-U9i. 2600 Winnelka Office 584 Lincoln Ave. ýWinnetka 177, Chicago Office IN. Loel:1Sai. 1t. eutral 0227 Lote Full to Enjoyling Soliies on B.ach Xncmy, des-n V-eus Andcr-son, Pat.,Tiers, Chai-les Zeckcr, Noue v J.chman, and LIoS Peterson ('10V 1u'nsIçlvc's on T ilncýkittc béeh. Bail- Tf'Ison photo. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mîr. and MNrs. H. Y. Boyajian, M02 (~cnBay road, Wilmette, enter- C ARTIST VISITS HERE ss Emily Stafford of HOllywvood,ý col Are Go.ing, I/P!"9 occasionp tenith ________ic TO SAIL FOR~ ABROAD MisJessie Weiler, recreation ad- iorat National College of E-duca- is 1,ritain july 30, for a brief visit -with ai, relative' ii France, Ltîxembour'g. and ar * lLsL Ili ol oif NV.arner iBrothers. tSchiaff of. Kansas City, a house-guest of NIr. ,11 H. Duncan, 1601 Elmi Wilmette. ',\r. Schiaff, here- several davs a--o. Refter Order NowI rie OurCompI*.IV1 No Dust-No Snoke-No Soot Mich., where -she vvi1I speliu two weeks visiting frielids. Her motiier, rsE.Kraft, is leaviing Saturday cf this week to join lier daugliter at WlV iteliall. They m-111l rettiroi home toeether niext week. tives at Buchanan, Mich.. a.qaitnj this year uill direct the Wheel atnd Distaf circle of Fort Dearborii can Revolution., Photo, by Morris. L I 506 Shr n - AI .ia A m~moe~~.I I ~ v.,.. Muev.sWty ZUi COAL E& Co* y