Ravi nia Park Nofed Britlsh Composer Her. h Tkhursday; radoya A ppears .asi It has been sai d that mnany of the greatest syniphonïc, conductors are also knowii as great, conductors..of opera and in many cases of ballet. Certainly this is true of namnes such a s Toscanini and of Rodzinski who de- - parted fromn his two weeks at the, Ravinia festival in a blaze oýf glory, leavýing an unforgettable meniory of the draha 'of 'his personalit' and the Promote afety The semi-annual report.of Chief oi Police, Cloyd C. McGuire, covering the, period from january 1 to July 1 gives, among other things, an indica-- tion: of the aggressive caxnpaign that is being carried on ýto.control auto- mobile. traffic and make the streets. safe for both motorists 'and pedecs- trians. For violation of state laws and vil-, lage ordinances,;including.'driving: and parking reguilatiotis,: 2,908 arrestst were made, as against M4 during the« saine period of 19,37.-- ____Chicango NewSpapr Charges IFoud ,Palse in Survey, Attempts of: a Chica go newspaper during the past week to mrate a sensa- tion out of the reputed pollution of the. Wilmette and, other North Shore bath- ing beaches, due to.the dredging opera- tions in Wilmette harbor, fell decideclly fat, villàgers refusing to become excited tg, the point where they would storm the village hall, the park board office or the village health departmnent. The reaction generall1y recorded among citizens, and espçcially among opera and ballet. P3ermanent conIGlct-cod.Thss cone or o th Cicinati ympd~yor-part by the fact- that the 19 chestra, Mr. Goossenis returns to Loni- includes minor accidents in don, the place of his birth, eacli spring scratched fenders -or no dari and puts in another busy season di- all resulted. recting operas, and filling engage-- ments as guest conductor through- Personal injury accidents wA 0 .ut Englarid and Scotland, in the duced froni 26 ta 24, and f« three fortus of symphony, opera, and froni 3 to 1. ballet. In the 1937 half-year peri suidden death ca.;e was inves mage iod o was the author of the libretto in instance. Both works were first, duced in Covent Garden, Lon, Lawrence Tibbett sang the titie in the premiere . of thé latter, summer with Mr. Goossens- dir While in 1937 onIy 175 offcial not: were served on clog owners to tain village licences, there, were in the like period of 1938. ia are:. _,asr a uesuay,1 ritta Gradova. who is to appear ed to the house (Continued on Page 52) turn off a water ey were summon- R. F. Tarbeil to Niatf I o.de Charles H. Brethold, a reMient* of Wilm<tte for haif a century, cele- brated his ininetieth bithday on JuIy 9 at a quiet dinner paroty in the com/'ainy of Mrs. Brethold anzd I. ;....p -e. I roceeds go to philanthlropie pur- poses. centimeter.- Accui authorities--io such been establi-sheci.1 large pictures of ti spot where the 6sp( posited. -Dr. (Conésued onj idard bas ever paper carried iarbor and the was being de- nt health con- of "mx