a reainain. r ux Price ana particuiars, cail Mrs. Mead.. T.lHE .B!ILS'REALTY, Imc. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166, Wil. 3740 14 7LTN1 1-ltc WILL L ALWAYS HAVE TO RENT? NOT ýWHIEN YOV CAN BVY A -HOMEý In. an excellent 'neighborhood, with a mraIi down'payment and the balance like rent. There ýis onîe for yo.Gi ve us a call. .Milton E., Reid & Co. -Wilmette 77.1 or Winnetka 1492 147LTN11-ltp MIAKE OFFER CHARING3 BEDROO.N. 2 modern bath home ln Wilinette. flouse has beeii insufated and recently decorated. Tbree blocks from schools and transporta- tion. 1P3ý TIIORNWOOD AVE., WIL-METTE. Beautiful, spaclous, luxurious homeL, wihvery modern appointments. InsPect aydy21to 8 p.m. 147LrNl1tlt 1082 Pine St., X inek MAKE OFFER ON THIS ADORABLE brk. Col., 3 beds., 2 b., 2 pchs. Se SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agents 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 6288 147LTNllt For SA 1, OR TRADE FOR LARGER homèe-6, roorn well constructed Dutch, Coloni al bouse, sun roomn and encloseci sip. pcbf., rec. roomn in basement, oil heat,. 2-car gar., convenient to public, paro- chiai, high schîs., and business, section, good transp. For particulars wv!ite A-465, Box 60'. NVilmette, 111. 147LTN11-Ilp WINNETKA - ATTRACTIVE 7 RNA. 50-FT, WOODED LOT CONVENIENT to transportation and stores. Owner anxlous. Below market value at $2,500. EDDINGTON, & .ALL4EN, End '*L," 40Lipdeni Ave. Wil. 407 151LTNll1-ltc IN GLENCOE OWNER 0F FIN79 LOT IN EXCLU- sive Skokie Heights will seli at a treinendous sacrifice for immediate sale. *Write A-62, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 151LTN11-ltc I MUJST SELL MY BEAITTIFUL HIGU and wooded vacant just over Glencoe lune and nr. lake. 100x150, 5,00, Wasl 12 wANt4ro -To éuUY--VAcANT. New R( rILE.. WASLE SALES. CLEARANCE SALE Unc.laililed Storage Furniture HOWARD STORAGE & VAN Co. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD AND wlll be sold! Living rooln, diatttg room,. dînetteè sets, bedroom sets; mruga; booki- cases,,,nany,occasional pleces. Al at Nery low prices. .on display,.at. 7643'.N. Paninan St. Rog. 0518 FOR SALE: DAVENPORT ln excellent condition, with slip cover, $20. 60 Loeust Road, Winnetka 3473 171LTN11-1te * 517 Davis Str Hol. 6886 . jui MOVE R* 'A HO-ME EN OUT 0F TOWN OWNER. BI Siashies to $14,000 fr. $21,000, most at- W. trac. charming 8 rmn., 21/2 bath hse.,. ve for inned. sale. Large studio rm. Liv. 'ýt rm. 26' long, 2-car gar. Wooded lot R, 75xI50. Excel. E. side ]oc., nt'. ail sclhîs.,an transi). (,re. 7222. 147LTN11-ltc _ $8,000 m. offer. 5 ri 1 heateci. Loa ht., 2 C. g. 3eý lot. Conv. WinI2 ided, wood( transp.,s olf course. Briargate 1004-6 Emers loc. 'ION .1 vans. 1U ni. 7777 147iLTN11-1tc SOUTH WEST WINNETKZA White famle col., excel. cond., 4 bdrnis., 1 bath, 2-car gar. $8,560. In Giencoe. Beaut. section. Well bu; l t 6r,,, lion .. rrno.nnedbv exrnneslr $mall hou secluded west acre. a. broker. P. O. Box 5 TO 81 ter bedroonis arnd - room and bath, with natural firepl l. or Ready for October ii not $32 1etc. WY T & 1-4tp, Y T 1026 Waukegan Road lae, air con- 2-car garage. 1 occupancy. CONS Plione iMet 173L1-ltp Grey Baby Coach IN. GOOD CONDITION. Wilniette 4297. 173LTN11-lte 7. le Baby carriage: nlay )nn A real buy for 42 9732.42 I 47LTN11 tlp 1569 Sherm, k11555 e e one. LITN1I-ltp