R.E. SMITH &CO. 666 Gin. Iayltoui Wbu..ka 650 pr speicI <arefWrth. .yes. our .yes ore.subjected doily >,lgqht gars, dust, smoke, in fmom reodlngsewing,w.rk- Mr. and Mrs. M., R. Rust, 2016 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, rettarned, recently f roin a NortbWestern tour. to the Black His. They were. gone for about a week. (Continued from, page 51) Section 2$. Township 42 North, Range 13 East 0f the Third Principal Meridian,, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois." SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall beý in full force and effeet after its passage and approval and due publication as provided by law.. PÂSSEJJ BY THEE IRESIDENT AND BOARD 0F TRUJSTEES 0F THE VIL- LAGE 0F WILMETTE. on the l9th day of July, A. D. 1938, and deposited and filed ln the office of the Village Clerk o f said Village this l9thi day of July, A. D. 1938. Attest - NICÙOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk. Publshed i Wilmette Life, July, 21si A D. 1938. NIcHOLAS P. MILLER, pumrped from the. narbor u-reugeýhs been golng on for about two Weeks. "'There certalnly bhas been at times a niarked lncreàse in the.turbldlty of the water at the beach, which is most un- fortunate but hlot dangerOus.> "Dredging in the harbor is almo5t> finished and as the Work progresses out- side the«harbor the sediment should be almost entirely sand. State Reports "State reports on a recent, survey; are flot yet available. If there Is. any reason to do so, more drastlc steps w»Il be taken. Meanwhile village and_ park board officiais do flot believe in:creating, panlc. "'The one factor that, recently, created a. real problem for.a few hours was the overflow of the canal into the harbor« as a resuit of a cloudburst. This same thlng occurred'1 once last summer and the beach water was contaminated from that source for only about eight hours, whlch is a nother demonstràtion of the fact that pur beaeh water ohanges about WHITE STAG List New Volumes in Children's Collection at Library (Contributed) The Newbery. Medal for 1937 was Chicago bora of Russian parents, Miss Gradova received ber entire training in this country. Sie lbas ap- pearç.d as soloist with every major symphony- orchestra, in the, countrv including the. Cincinnati where she played the. samne Concerto. with Mr. Goossens conducting. Her' reputa- tion is international. She-is a resi- dent of Chicago. Featuredon the ýfirst programn of the fourth week is D)avidý Van, Va-7 tor's "Symnpbonic Suite," third of the works commissioned by the Festival, association for performance during the season. 'The suite is in four moôve- ments titled as follows: March, Sere- nade, Waltz, 'Chorale and Finale. Van Vactor to Conduct' Mr. Van Vactor wili make his de- but -as a conductor with the Chi- cago Symnphony orchestra on this oc- çasion, conducting bis own work, deserting ls post-i th~e fute section of the orchestra for the podium and the baton. As a boy young David Van Vactor ushered at Ravinia park with bis ears wide open to miss no sound of the orchestra, with, which be was later to be associated as a mnember and as composer. In the latter capacity he is becoming increasinglv popular and bis compositions are appearing tions, donc by the author, have a vigor summer. Other compositions wbich thoroughly in keeping wîth the story. have gone into the regular reper- "The Good Master," publishied ni toire are: "Passacaglia and Fugue," 1936, is asked for over and over by a "Chaconne" for string orchestra, children and aduits who knowv and and "Five Bagatelles for Strings" given its first performance by the love it for the beauty ofboth story Saidenberg Symphonietta last wvîn- and pictures. "Listening" is the third ter. An. entire c.rening of bis com-, book Kate Seredy has written and positions of chamber music took place illustrated., She did the drawings for i h oe fOcetahl 1 96 Phone WInuuetka 3950 III. sInln booUks lor juvenile~ré, are invited to. come down t tbem over. IYork to air express some choice filet, mignons. Frank bas -known the butcher since boyhood. t