100x10, nortb aide of Ohio Street, %k block f rom Outer Drive and late. The fine9t location. for hoiel ' offce building or shop et the lowest priée aveuoffered. Phone Ernest M. KimbelI. aue.Roger Park 3261 or' Frankin 7300- 1 **S b qc. l- Fred Krammen, Jr., .1228 Wash- ingonavnue, is leaving SundaY to ipendaweek visiting hie two. a unts in KCalamazoo and Detroit, Mich. Two scelles from the marion- ette show to be gwven next Sat- ud morrnng al; il o'ciock in th~e chldren's room of the Wil- mette publie library are shown in the accompanyiflg photo-. gra pls taken by Earl Terril!. A boue, Alice and Humpt?,- Dumpty are.shown in S.ceiae from "Through the Lookrng Glas$" and at the smde is'Hum pty just, before his fail. The puppets were made at the librar,î in eonnection i .th the repeat Slater. WZs l* .- Morio -A 'N,~D 2026