Conimtor Albert Goldberg, state direc- tor of the WPA music pro ject, -"; conduct the "Starlight Sym- phoniies" *.at ,'Wimette amphi- theater Wednesdayi evening Au- gust 24, when the IliUroisaSym- ,hmuforchestraé' 'Oesents the Ngrth Shaore Une); uu luuu i enaec for 19 years contracts covering workhig conditions and wages with Division 900 of the. Amalgamated Association o! Street and- Electric Railway Employees o!- America, o! which union a ýlarge majority of its employees were members. During ail these years amicable relations have been maintained. These con- tracts have continued under the. receivership since 1932. The last contract expired on May 31,1938 by limitation, but pending negotia- tion of a new contract was continued through a written agreement dated May 20, 1938 with the proviso that either the Receiver or the union might terminate it on thirty days Addser sco tt on~ Ridge avenue a littie north of Lake avenue. On the other window is lettered ."Wilmette Hea.,lth e-en- ter." Most of by without seeinig :this important. building._ Even il we are aut tfor a stroll ai»d pass it afoot, it. may ca 1rry. '-o partictular meaning. It has been suggested that an effort be -made to inform our cit- izens, in a,>series of sho rt artîiles, of the, way in which thé least' under- stood o! Wilmette's agencies for public service operates and func- tions in the life,ôof the commnunity. *The, Wlmette Welfare, is flot a relief agency in the sense that it doles 'out funds to persons i desper- ate need. It is rather a place EtURN TO OH à Mrs. Clarence anet Benson) of or bi the ny has [ no div- ivre beén s of thej luipment tate this mon and thef.r go7 who *iU1 reum opernr&g of tory solution. iancial assist- [p i the re- emergencies as a mem- 15 per Fcent Reveniues ,Decline 1288 "Because o! the very drastic de- ve as dline ini revenue durlng the last few nvnA manthcs ovadn suite of 'v ffort flot wùrli a contra, on of ýted a its ýfter Miss York, a BOUSE~. OUESTS Gertrude. Nolan c sister of Mrs. Harol of. New Did Pres- ng Disbes in, Air-C ookledC'omfort tae. SE~ cial condition of the 1n v'ee héPublic,andtl y retai their jobs."1 Rowe Mr. and Mrs.1 Wèstmoor road. rid 50 men