The Womnans guild of the Wil-i riette,,Éan*gh Methodist church iW ame uncing an unusual, series of bodkreviews to be given oni five consecutive Friday mornings at 10 o'clock beginning Septem- ber 16, and concluding on Octb- ber 14. This stimul ating formn of lecture is proving to be lncreaslngly pop- ular among women's organizations. and this particular sertes is varied' and interesting in the extremne. MrB. LUoyd Faxon of Whmnetka, well known along the north shore,, t, and western suburbs, will October 7, and on Octol James Harvey wll c( series. Mrs. Harvey'si view of "Northwest Pa: be remembered by thc tended the 1937? series, pro Race week is not only a major event for Sheridan Shore Yacht club meémbers, but will' be, the- club announces, the largest single event in the world 'for star boats. From Sunday, August 2 1, through Saturday, August 27,, sailing and social eventswill intermingle for membérs of the club, visiting skippers, and their wives. The Cape Cod clubho use perched on the rolling bank, of the canal at the Wilmette, harbor will, be a gay spot1 during the entire seven days. Last year forty-eight star boats were entered, this year even more are noted Mrs. W. social evet1LbwUJ.V .a nature of the races Ellis of Evanston is e social side of Race night a buffet supper at the club for mem- ýb and their wives and ýrs and their families. of tneir home at 940 P-rivate road, Hubbard Woods, and as the finale of the week and the occasion of the awarding of prizes, a dance will take place at the club Saturday. Throughout race week the clubý will serve 'luncheon f .for the, guests'. age," wiU Swho at- A her re- .vrances Clarence WILMETT-FLIFE.